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A Fool in Spots

A Fool in Spots

by Hallie Erminie Rives

Here Frost, more wickedly practical, continued: “Now, you are of gentle blood, being fitted out by nature with the most unfortunate combination of attributes. Nature has given you much more than your share of intelligence and manly beauty, together with most refined and sympathetic sensibilities and luxurious tastes, and then has placed you in an o..

The Complete Distiller

The Complete Distiller

by A. Heaton Cooper

It is now some Years since I first formed a Design of compiling a complete System of Distillation; and accordingly read most of the Treatises on that Subject, and extracted from each what I thought necessary for my Purpose, proposing to supply the Defects from my own Experience. It is, however, more than probable, that this Design had never been ex..

The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland - Vol. 3 of 3

The ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland - Vol. 3 of 3

by David MacGibbon

In issuing the concluding Volume of this work, we take the opportunity to notice some points in the previous portions which have given rise to discussion. In Vol. I. we express disagreement with Mr. W. Galloway’s opinion regarding the age of the chancel walls of St. Blane’s, Bute. Mr. Galloway having asked for an opportunity of defending his views,..

The Soul Stealers

The Soul Stealers

by Chester S. Geier

A chill touched Bryan as he looked down at the figure on the hospital bed. He had seen dead men before—too many of them. He had seen them sprawled on European battlefields, had seen them huddled in wrecked cars or lying waxen and stiff on morgue slabs.But he had never seen a dead man like the one who lay there on the bed. For, paradoxically, this m..

A Narrative of Some Remarkable Incidents in the Life of Solomon Bayley

A Narrative of Some Remarkable Incidents in the Life of Solomon Bayley

by Solomon Bayley

In presenting the following fragments to the attention of the public, it appears necessary to state the manner in which they came into my possession, and to give the reader a brief account of the Author, Solomon Bayley. This narrative discloses the melancholy and incontrovertible fact, that the rights of Slaves are shamefully invaded in a country, ..

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 1 (of 3)

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 1 (of 3)

by James Montgomery

Among the illustrious fathers of song who, in their own land, cannot cease to exercise dominion over the minds, characters, and destinies of all posterity,—and who, beyond its frontiers, must continue to influence the taste, and help to form the genius, of those who shall exercise like authority in other countries,—Dante Alighieri is, undoubtedly, ..

Remarks on the Present System of Road Making

Remarks on the Present System of Road Making

by John Loudon McAdam

Remarks on the Present System of Road Making : With Observations, Deduced from Practice and Experience, With a View to a Revision of the Existing Laws, and the Introduction of Improvement in the Method of Making, Repairing, and Preserving Roads, and Defending the Road Funds from Misapplication. Seventh Edition, Carefully Revised, With an Appendix, ..

The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. II (of 3)

The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. II (of 3)

by Athenaeus of Naucratis

The Deipnosophists or Banquet of the Learned of Athenæus, Vol. II (of 3), by Athenaeus of Naucratis literally translated by C. D. YONGE, B.A. with an appendix of poetical fragments, rendered into english verse by various authors, and a general index. in three volumes...