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A history of Italian literature

A history of Italian literature

by Richard Garnett

Entering at once upon a heritage of classical tradition, Italians began to teach foreign nations long before they found anything to learn from them; and this influence is so large a part of the glory of Italy that her literature cannot be fully unlocked to the foreigner unless he is shown, not only what she has herself effected in letters, but how ..

Old Greek Education

Old Greek Education

by J. P. Mahaffy

We hear it often repeated that human nature is the same at all times and in all places; and this is urged at times and places where it is so manifestly false that we feel disposed peremptorily to deny it when paraded to us as a general truth. The fact is that only in its lower activities does human nature show any remarkable uniformity; so far as m..

Spacemen Are Born

Spacemen Are Born

by Bolling Branham

The God of Time, he is, and you're looking out over the flatness of the rings at the yellow bulk of a planet, filling your sky ahead. Yellow, streaked with purple streamers, fading away at the edges into the blackness that is eternal space. Yes, fortunes have been made and lost on trips to Saturn, but no one loses the memory of how it looks when yo..

Venus Hate

Venus Hate

by John McGreevey

When the patrol found her it was impossible to say how long she had been in the humidi-hut alone. She was incoherent but, as Morrissey observed, most Venusians are.Not that Selo was an ordinary Venusian woman. Even in her madness, as she babbled to the patrol about red dust devils and punctured thermiteens, there was a haunting beauty about her. Th..

Werwile of the Crystal Crypt

Werwile of the Crystal Crypt

by Gardner F. Fox

The arklings were coming for him. Through the opening in the stone traceries of the ancient doorway, he saw the red aura that floated over them as they came up the stone ramp. Clark turned and ran along the sloping floor, down into the black, labyrinthine windings of the ancient city. His spacebooted feet made soft, slapping sounds. His beamlight c..

Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare -  Twelve Essays

Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare - Twelve Essays

by John Weiss

This subject is best reached from the point of reflecting that, of all the animals, man alone appears to be capable of laughter. If, as so many naturalists now claim, man has ascended by successive evolutions of varieties from a lower animal type, we ought to be able to find some germs of the laughing propensity among our ancestors. The first witne..

Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914

Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914

by William Stanley Braithwaite

The modern idea seems to be that poetry has no relation to life. Life in the modern sense is action, progress, success. Poetry has been conceded special themes: it can deal with passion,—the strange and unnatural and unreal physical attraction of the sexes—with nature, with the symbols of mythology, and with the characteristic sentimental heroism o..

The Boston cooking-school cook book

The Boston cooking-school cook book

by Fannie Merritt Farmer

With the progress of knowledge the needs of the human body have not been forgotten. During the last decade much time has been given by scientists to the study of foods and their dietetic value, and it is a subject which rightfully should demand much consideration from all. I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the pr..