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The Wonders of Optics

The Wonders of Optics

by Bryce Walton

The present work needs but little introduction to the English public. The author, M. F. Marion, who holds a high official scientific position in Paris, is well known, especially in Europe, as a popular writer on the “Wonders of Optics,” and kindred subjects. As a rule, the original text has been strictly adhered to by the Translator, but in a few i..

Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage, 1684-7

Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage, 1684-7

by Henri Joutel

This volume is the concluding one of a series projected by the late John Gilmary Shea, LL. D., on the “Discovery and Explorations of the Mississippi Valley.” The initial volume, issued in 1852, comprises the Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membré, Hennepin and Anastase Douay. The second, issued in 1861, contains those of Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le S..

Harper's Household Handbook

Harper's Household Handbook

by Anonymous

Harper's Household Handbook: A guide to easy ways of doing woman's work.Wash-day wisdom, nursing, and sickroom -- Inside a room -- Equipment and renovators -- China, glass, and furniture -- Making whole -- Making and making over -- Remedying spots, stains, and tarnish -- Food: choosing and keeping -- House plants, window boxes, cut flowers -- Disin..

Hindu Magic

Hindu Magic

by Hereward Carrington

In this pamphlet I propose to consider the phenomena which are presented by the fakirs and yogis of India, and to inquire into their nature and the method of their production. The feats performed by Indian fakirs are numerous, but I shall describe those most commonly witnessed: the mango-tree trick, the basket trick, the bowl of water trick, the dr..

Homecoming Horde

Homecoming Horde

by Robert Silverberg

Haverford had been amused, at first. A solitary recluse, he had little dealings with his fellow men, at least not in person. The costly ham set that occupied nearly a third of his one-room flat was his sole contact. Through radio he kept in regular touch with "friends" in Yokohama and Buenos Aires, Texas and Oregon, while actually leaving the confi..

The Dazzling Miss Davison

The Dazzling Miss Davison

by Florence Warden

A roomy, comfortable, old-fashioned house in Bayswater, with high windows, big rooms, and little balconies just big enough to hold a wealth of flowers in summer and a very pretty show of evergreens when the season for flowers was past.On October a row of asters, backed up by a taller row of foliage plants, made the house look bright and pretty, and..

A Journey of a Jayhawker

A Journey of a Jayhawker

by W. Y. Morgan

When one decides to make a European trip he immediately becomes impressed with the importance of his intention, and thinks that everyone else is likewise affected. Of course this is a mistake, but you have to stop and think before you realize it. You go down the street imagining everyone is saying, “There is a man who is going to Europe.” In fact, ..

An Eel by the Tail

An Eel by the Tail

by Allen Kim Lang

It all happened just because Mr. Tedder was fresh out of college, and anxious to make good in his first teaching job. He'd been given Physics II, a tough class for a new teacher. His pupils, a set of hardened II-A boys, were sure of themselves and so were the few girls in the class. It was with hopes of shaking that assurance that Mr. Tedder had sp..