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Derval Hampton -  A Story of the Sea, Volume 2 (of 2)

Derval Hampton - A Story of the Sea, Volume 2 (of 2)

by James Grant

Another long spell of the sea, including several voyages and some stirring adventures, was before Derval now, with a protracted absence from Britain. The ship was not getting ready for sea, so Captain Talbot was on shore, when a hansom cab deposited Derval and his belongings close by the gangway that led on board, where he was warmly welcomed by Jo..

The Vicious Delinquents

The Vicious Delinquents

by Mark Reinsberg

Two or three things worried me on my trip back to the hideout. So my astrogation was sloppy and I kept losing Jupiter's shadow. First, there was the showdown with Naomi over who would lead the Callisto gang. This meant another degravity fight with python whips and steel claws. Having just gotten rid of the old battle scars on my cheek, shoulder and..

Essays of a Biologist

Essays of a Biologist

by Julian Huxley

The biologist cannot fail to be impressed by the fact that his science to-day is, roughly and broadly speaking, in the position which Chemistry and Physics occupied a century ago. It is beginning to reach down from observation to experimental analysis, and from experimental analysis to grasp of principle. Furthermore, as the grasp of principles in ..

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 4, October 1841

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 4, October 1841

by George R. Graham

What is so beautiful as childhood? Where can we find such purity and frankness, such an absence of all selfishness, as in the love of children? And where does that love exist, deeper or sweeter or more like that of heaven than when between a brother and a sister? Brother and sister! what a spell in the very words! How they bring up to our mind visi..

How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology

How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology

by James Schoenwetter

There is a whole field of science devoted to the invention and development of dating methods—or “clocks” as we may think of them. It is called geochronology, the science of dating events. There are relatively few geochronologists, scientists trained in the use of all kinds of dating methods and in the theories upon which these methods are based.Geo..

How to Sing

How to Sing

by Luisa Tetrazzini

EVERY day of my life I receive letters from men and women, mostly women, whom I do not know personally, asking me to advise them how best to use their vocal talents. Some of my correspondents also request me to give them an audition so that they can demonstrate their claim to be embryonic stars.It is manifestly impossible for me to spend all my tim..

Practical School Discipline -  Applied Methods, Part 1

Practical School Discipline - Applied Methods, Part 1

by Ray Coppock Beery

With this second book of Practical School Discipline, we wish to send to each member of the Teachers’ Club our personal word of greeting. Applied Methods was written for you. Primarily it was written for you only. It is a book to help teachers, by means of teachers’ experiences. We believe it will lighten your work, brighten your school room, and l..

The English Secretary

The English Secretary

by Angel Day

The English Secretary; or, Methode of Writing Epistles and Letters (1599). With, a Declaration of Such Tropes, Figures, and Schemes, as Either Usually or for Ornament Sake Are Therein Required.This booke thus shewing these parts before remembred, I haue termed as you see by the name of The Secretorie, being in the consideration thereof nothing igno..