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The Fritz Strafers -  A Story of the Great War

The Fritz Strafers - A Story of the Great War

by Percy F. Westerman

Hugh Holcombe was cast in a different mould. Except in point of age there was little in common between the two lads. Holcombe was tall for his age, and possessed the appearance of a budding athlete. Although in mufti—he was spending the last week of the Christmas vacation with an uncle at Southsea before rejoining Osborne College—there was a certai..

The Physical Training of Children

The Physical Training of Children

by Pye Henry Chavasse

Nothing is more to be regretted than the fact that the females of this country grow up to womanhood in entire ignorance of all that relates to their future condition as parents, and the physical and mental development of the young for whose welfare they may yet be so deeply responsible. “It is not to be wondered at that when the young wife finds he..

Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905

Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905

by Robert L. Taylor

One of the most brilliant civilizations that ever flourished in the history of the world staggered and fell with broken sword and shattered shield on that dark day when the flag of Southern hope and glory went down in blood and tears. Its decimated armies, too exhausted from loss of blood to longer pull the trigger, too weak from starvation to char..

Chance, Love, and Logic -  Philosophical Essays

Chance, Love, and Logic - Philosophical Essays

by Charles S. Peirce

In the essays gathered together in this volume we have the most developed and coherent available account of the philosophy of Charles S. Peirce, whom James, Royce, Dewey, and leading thinkers in England, France, Germany and Italy have placed in the forefront of the great seminal minds of recent times. Besides their inherent value as the expression ..

Discipline in School and Cloister

Discipline in School and Cloister

by Jacobus X

The subject dealt with in the present work touches one of the dark patches of our social life. Flogging as an aid to education, a mode of discipline, or a means of repression is universal in time and space. The subject has always had a strange fascination for curious minds. The facts presented here are all drawn from authentic sources. They are sta..

Gloria at Boarding School

Gloria at Boarding School

by Lilian Garis

Gloria Doane really felt defiant. Boarding school always represented restrictions to her inexperienced reasoning, and restrictions were never a part of her chosen schedule. A sense of freedom was necessary to her happiness. At her Barbend home she scarcely respected the wildest coast storm, and often thought it a lark to help life guards shoot..

Rebels and Reformers -  Biographies for Young People

Rebels and Reformers - Biographies for Young People

by Arthur Ponsonby

This book is intended for young people who are beginning to take an interest in historical subjects, and it may also be acceptable to those who are too busy with their daily work to find much time or opportunity for continuing, as they would like a full course of study. Many people have not the leisure to read a three-volume biography, and so they ..

The Hunt Pack

The Hunt Pack

by Samuel Alexander White

In hilarious Happy Camp, on the north side of Chilkoot Pass, inbound stampeders traveling laden and outbound packers traveling light, rested by night from the toil of the trail. Foregathered in the Saxon Saloon they relaxed their muscles, their throats and their poke-strings. Motley crowds haunted the bar on one side of the huge canvas room, surrou..