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The Ice Crop -  How to Harvest, Store, Ship and Use Ice

The Ice Crop - How to Harvest, Store, Ship and Use Ice

by Theron L. Hiles

The Origin of the Ice Business in the United States—Its Wonderful Development Commercially and in the Manifold Uses of Ice—A Pen Picture of a Modern Ice Harvest. Prior to 1805, there was no regularly conducted traffic in ice, in this country. In the winter of 1805–6, a supply was secured at Boston, Mass., and the following summer a cargo was despat..

The Migration of North American Birds (1935)

The Migration of North American Birds (1935)

by Frederick C. Lincoln

Where do the birds go each fall that have nested in our dooryards and frequented the neighboring woods, hills, and marshes? Will the same ones return again to their former haunts next spring? What dangers do they face on their round-trip flight and in their winter homes? These and other questions on the migratory habits of birds puzzle the minds of..

A History of Sculpture

A History of Sculpture

by Ernest Henry Short

Much that might properly occur in the preface of this book will be found in its opening chapter. I there set out the ground to be covered, and define the point of view from which I have treated my facts. These few remarks will, accordingly, be addressed to any who may think that a work bearing the title “A History of Sculpture” requires a word of i..

A Tract on Monetary Reform

A Tract on Monetary Reform

by John Maynard Keynes

We leave Saving to the private investor, and we encourage him to place his savings mainly in titles to money. We leave the responsibility for setting Production in motion to the business man, who is mainly influenced by the profits which he expects to accrue to himself in terms of money. Those who are not in favour of drastic changes in the existin..

Borgia -  A Period Play

Borgia - A Period Play

by Michael Field

An apartment of the Vatican: at the further end the door of the Treasury by which the Lord Cardinal Casanova is seated. The Lord Alexander VI. and an Envoy from Naples. The Pope is seated; from time to time he plunges his hands into a coffer of pearls, letting the pearls stream through his fingers...



by Virginia Baker

A peculiar interest centres about everything pertaining to the great Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. Massasoit has always, and justly, been regarded as one of the most remarkable of that group of illustrious aboriginal chieftains with whom the early white settlers of New England were associated. But while the student of history is familiar with the sto..

The Friendly Killers

The Friendly Killers

by S. M. Tenneshaw

I leaned back in my seat, full of the satisfaction that comes of drawing the right card. "A thrill-mill," I observed, assuming a mock-academic tone, "is a fantastically expensive little device known technically as a perceptual intensifier. It's given away, not bought or sold, and is found only on Rizal. No one knows where it comes from, or why. Nei..

Music and Life

Music and Life

by Thomas Whitney Surette

During the last twenty or thirty years there has been an enormous increase in the United States of what may be called “institutional” music. We have built opera houses, we have formed many new orchestras, and we have established the teaching of music in nearly all our public and private schools and colleges, so that a casual person observing all th..