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A Perfect Fool -  A Novel

A Perfect Fool - A Novel

by Florence Warden

Chris she had always treated as a baby, a very sweet and charming child, but a creature to be tenderly cared for and played with, not to be trusted or confided in. Mrs. Abercarne had old-fashioned notions about the bringing-up of girls, and she would have been reduced to her last crust before consenting to allow her daughter to leave her, except as..

Anthony Wayne, 1745-1796

Anthony Wayne, 1745-1796

by Randolph C. Downes

The following biographical sketch of Anthony Wayne was written by Randolph C. Downes. It was published in 1936 by Charles Scribner’s Sons in the DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, volume nineteen. Both the American Council of Learned Societies, the copyright holder, and the publisher have graciously accorded permission to reproduce the article in it..

Of the Buildings of Justinian

Of the Buildings of Justinian

by Procopius

Procopius was born at Cæsarea in Palestine, early in the sixth or at the end of the fifth century. He made his way, an adventurer, to Constantinople, where he began as an advocate and Professor of Rhetoric. He had the good fortune to be recommended to Belisarius, who appointed him one of his secretaries. In that capacity Procopius accompanied the g..

Plank Frame Barn Construction

Plank Frame Barn Construction

by John L. Shawver

This matter was originally presented in the columns of Carpentry and Building, in response to continued requests for information concerning the plank frame system of construction, which for many years past has been growing in popularity in various sections of the country, more particularly the Central West. The author has given a great deal of atte..

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history  Vol. I

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history Vol. I

by Francis Marion Crawford

Venice is the most personal of all cities in the world, the most feminine, the most comparable to a woman, the least dependent, for her individuality, upon her inhabitants, ancient or modern. What would Rome be without the memory of the Cæsars? What would Paris be without the Parisians? What was Constantinople like before it was Turkish? The imagin..

The Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs!

The Calumet Book of Oven Triumphs!

by General Foods Corporation

What makes a perfect cake? Even rising? Tender brown crust? Delicate flavor and fragrance? All these qualities and one more—the fine, moist, tender texture that is hard to describe by any word except “velvety”!  Velvety crumb”—that is the expression cake judges use in speaking of the beautiful texture of cakes leavened by Calumet, the Double-A..

The Defeat of Varus and the German Frontier Policy of Augustus

The Defeat of Varus and the German Frontier Policy of Augustus

by William Abbott Oldfather

The present monograph is the outcome of a certain dissatisfaction felt with the traditional view as expressed in some of the literature which appeared six years ago on the occasion of the nineteen-hundredth anniversary of the battle of the Teutoburg forest. The principal theses as here presented were jotted down at the time, and although a variety ..

Youth, Vol. I, No. 3, May 1902

Youth, Vol. I, No. 3, May 1902

by H. L. Coggins

The story opens in the year of 1777, during one of the most critical periods of the Revolution. Hadley Morris, our hero, is in the employ of Jonas Benson, the host of the Three Oaks, a well-known inn on the road between Philadelphia and New York. Like most of his neighbors, Hadley is an ardent sympathizer with the patriot cause. When, therefore, a ..