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The Manhattaners - A Story of the Hour
by Edward S. Van ZileIt was half an hour after midnight, and two men were standing at the south-west corner of City Hall park, gazing at the statue of Nathan Hale. The taller of the two was a man who, having passed the portentous age of forty, no longer referred to his birthday when he reached it. He had maintained silence on this subject for several years, and his fri..
Wages in 1873
by Thomas BrasseyIt is too often alleged that the recent advance of wages is attributable to a series of successful strikes. I maintain, on the contrary, that a strike against a falling market is never successful, and that Trades Unions, as an organisation for the purpose of raising wages, can never do more than assist the workman to obtain an advance at a so..
You Can't Buy Eternity!
by Dwight V. SwainSwooping down too fast out of the eternal dust-clouds that shrouded the Venusian sky, it crested a hillock by such a narrow margin as to spray sand high into the never-ending wind, then veered right in a crazy arc.Another hillock. The carrier struck it a glancing blow that churned up new clouds of sand and dust as it skated diagonally down the slop..
A Perfect Fool - A Novel
by Florence WardenChris she had always treated as a baby, a very sweet and charming child, but a creature to be tenderly cared for and played with, not to be trusted or confided in. Mrs. Abercarne had old-fashioned notions about the bringing-up of girls, and she would have been reduced to her last crust before consenting to allow her daughter to leave her, except as..
Anthony Wayne, 1745-1796
by Randolph C. DownesThe following biographical sketch of Anthony Wayne was written by Randolph C. Downes. It was published in 1936 by Charles Scribner’s Sons in the DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, volume nineteen. Both the American Council of Learned Societies, the copyright holder, and the publisher have graciously accorded permission to reproduce the article in it..
Of the Buildings of Justinian
by ProcopiusProcopius was born at Cæsarea in Palestine, early in the sixth or at the end of the fifth century. He made his way, an adventurer, to Constantinople, where he began as an advocate and Professor of Rhetoric. He had the good fortune to be recommended to Belisarius, who appointed him one of his secretaries. In that capacity Procopius accompanied the g..
Plank Frame Barn Construction
by John L. ShawverThis matter was originally presented in the columns of Carpentry and Building, in response to continued requests for information concerning the plank frame system of construction, which for many years past has been growing in popularity in various sections of the country, more particularly the Central West. The author has given a great deal of atte..
Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history Vol. I
by Francis Marion CrawfordVenice is the most personal of all cities in the world, the most feminine, the most comparable to a woman, the least dependent, for her individuality, upon her inhabitants, ancient or modern. What would Rome be without the memory of the Cæsars? What would Paris be without the Parisians? What was Constantinople like before it was Turkish? The imagin..