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Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois

Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois

by J. E. Lamar

This booklet briefly and nontechnically discusses the foregoing materials and some of the work the Illinois State Geological Survey does in gathering information about their occurrence, and character and in developing new uses. The mineral resources of Illinois include many rocks and minerals of varied character and uses. From them are made an..

Jean Craig Grows Up

Jean Craig Grows Up

by Kay Lyttleton

The three at the end of the room paid no attention. Tommy was so absorbed in trying to see over Doris’ shoulder that he didn’t realize he was losing his balance. Perched on the back of the chair, he suddenly toppled over and landed squarely in Doris’ lap. With all the dignity of the eleven-year-old that he was, he picked himself up and resumed his ..

Stain Removal from Fabrics -  Home Methods

Stain Removal from Fabrics - Home Methods

by Margaret Smith Furry

Off with stains! Keep clothes and home fabrics spotlessly clean. It is smart and thrifty to take best care of your clothing and household fabrics so they will look well and last as long as possible.Many stained and spotted articles are needlessly thrown away each year. Many others are needlessly ruined by unsuccessful attempts to remove stains. It ..

Sunset's Cabin Plan Book

Sunset's Cabin Plan Book

by Ralph P. Dillon

Every Westerner wants a “vacation home”! Perhaps it is the nearness to pioneer days that makes us so alive to mountain forests and ocean sands. Sunset’s Cabin Plan Book is primarily for those who are still in the “talking stage.” However, there is much valuable information in its pages for those who already are enjoying the pleasures of a “second h..

The Maid of Orleans

The Maid of Orleans

by Friedrich Henning

The life story of Joan of Arc, as told in this volume, closely follows the historical facts as well as the official records bearing upon her trial and burning for “heresy, relapse, apostasy, and idolatry.” It naturally divides into two parts. First, the simple pastoral life of the shepherd maiden of Domremy, which is charmingly portrayed; the visio..

The Rebirth of Turkey

The Rebirth of Turkey

by Clair Price

This book contains my own observations and my own deductions from them. The responsibility for them is mine alone. I have never engaged in commercial, educational or missionary work. My interest in the Near and Middle East began with a newspaper assignment, and has continued with curiosity as its motive. This book is the result. My thanks are due t..

White Magic -  A Novel

White Magic - A Novel

by David Graham Phillips

When Roger Wade’s Aunt Bella died she left him forty thousand dollars in five-per-cent railway bonds and six hundred and ninety acres of wilderness extending from the outskirts of Deer Spring village to the eastern shore of Lake Wauchong, in northern New Jersey. She had contrived to quarrel and break with all her other relations. This was no easy u..

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

by George Miksch Sutton

This book is not intended to be a complete reference work. The descriptions of the birds and statements of their status are as brief as I felt I could make them under the circumstances. Many species of birds which have been recorded in Pennsylvania are not even mentioned. These are omitted so as to simplify the list for the beginner, who is confron..