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Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

by Elizabeth Blackwell

It is a great advantage to have been born one of a large family group of healthy, active children, surrounded by wholesome influences.  The natural and healthy discipline which children exercise upon one another, the variety of tastes and talents, the cheerful companionship, even the rivalries, misunderstandings, and reconciliations where free..

The Goose-step -  A Study of American Education

The Goose-step - A Study of American Education

by Upton Sinclair

What is the so-called “higher education” of these United States? You have taken it, for the most part, on faith. It is something which has come to be; it is big and impressive, and you are impressed. Every year you pay a hundred million dollars of public funds to help maintain it, and half that amount in tuition fees for your sons and daughters. Yo..

The Sinister Invasion

The Sinister Invasion

by Edmond Hamilton

he old factory building, he saw now was a blind. Behind its dingy walls and masked windows were at least two floors of offices. The doors of them all were closed, but he heard the hum and buzz of earnest activity from behind them. Gray-face nudged him toward one of the doors. The thick-necked driver went on somewhere. Birrel looked around a feature..

What Cheer -  A Poem

What Cheer - A Poem

by Job Durfee

The Editor owes it to the reader to say that, in preparing the following poem for re-publication, he has ventured to omit some of the stanzas and to make changes in others. The stanzas were omitted because, in his opinion, they broke the continuity or retarded the flow of the narration, slackening the reader’s interest, and could be omitted with ad..

Buried Cities and Bible Countries

Buried Cities and Bible Countries

by George St. Clair

This book contains a description of some of the most important modern discoveries bearing upon the Bible, the selection being made to meet the wants of those who have no time to follow the course of exploration, and no taste for technical details. The preparation of such a volume has often been urged upon me by those who have listened to my lecture..

Diary of Captain John Cooke, 1794

Diary of Captain John Cooke, 1794

by John Cooke

The following extracts from the journal of Captain John Cooke of the Fourth Sublegion of General Wayne’s army will be of interest to your antiquary (if Fort Wayne is old enough to boast of antiquities), since it contains the earliest market quotations of your city, notices of the first sermons preached there, etc...

Essentials of Music Theory -  Elementary

Essentials of Music Theory - Elementary

by Carl E. Gardner

The primary object in the following pages is to supply the teacher and student with a text book to accompany the work on instrumental or vocal technic. Because of the great amount of time required to obtain proficient technic, text books are often neglected, and, if exhaustive, are usually ignored. Brevity and conciseness characterize this volume a..

Faster Ways to Favorite Dishes With the New Minute Tapioca

Faster Ways to Favorite Dishes With the New Minute Tapioca

by Anonymous

The recipes in this little book bring you the good news—starting with the best and the easiest recipe for tapioca cream you’ve ever met. You’ll find here more than a dozen grand cream desserts, full of real honest-to-goodness home-made nourishment ... new fruit tapiocas for every season ... new baked tapioca puddings ... and 19 recipes in which Min..