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The Indians in Wisconsin's History

The Indians in Wisconsin's History

by John M. Douglass

It is difficult now to realize that Wisconsin, famed as a dairy state and rich in farm land and thriving communities, was once a great wilderness. Before the land was cleared for the farmer’s plow and with its dense forests yet to hear the lumberjack’s axe, the thick timberland of the north and even the rolling prairies of the central and southern ..

Delicious Recipes -  Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies

Delicious Recipes - Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies

by Nestle

It was here in 1930 that Ruth Wakefield, a well-known dietician and lecturer, started her now famous inn, calling it “The Toll House,” where old-fashioned favorites and new recipes are carefully prepared and served in a modern atmosphere.Among these delicious recipes which Mrs. Wakefield has created is the new and different kind of chocolate cookie..



by Hal Hellman

Nuclear energy is playing a vital role in the life of every man, woman, and child in the United States today. In the years ahead it will affect increasingly all the peoples of the earth. It is essential that all Americans gain an understanding of this vital force if they are to discharge thoughtfully their responsibilities as citizens and if they a..

Paddy at Home

Paddy at Home

by E. De Mandat-Grancey

Agriculture has been subjected for some years past in all parts of Europe, and particularly in France, to a crisis so intense and terrible as only to be compared to that which Italy passed through at the time when, by the extinction of piracy in the Mediterranean, the transport of grain from Egypt and Algeria to Rome became possible. The effect of ..

The Adventures of Peterkin

The Adventures of Peterkin

by Gilbert W. Gabriel

Then, suddenly, the terrible thing happened! The thing that Peterkin had feared so many years! SNAP! went the stem of Peterkin’s Pumperkin—off the vine, out of the patch—free, anchorless, guideless! And away and away rolled the pumpkin house—down the bumpy field, across the ditch, through the brook, to the top of a steep hill. Then away and away, d..

The Youth of Washington

The Youth of Washington

by S. Weir Mitchell

The Youth of Washington: Told in the Form of an Autobiography by S. Weir Mitchell.My retirement from official duties as President has enabled me to restore order on my plantations, and in some degree to repair the neglected buildings which are fallen to decay. The constant coming of guests—moved, I fear, more by curiosity than by other reasons—is d..

This Then is Upland Pastures

This Then is Upland Pastures

by Adeline Knapp

This Then is Upland PasturesBeing some out-door essays dealing with the beautiful things that the spring and summer bring.Nature will help us if we turn to her. We have filled our lives so full of complexities and problems that it is well for us to have her annual reminder that even without our taking thought about it the real world, that will be h..

The Escape

The Escape

by William Wells Brown

This play was written for my own amusement, and not with the remotest thought that it would ever be seen by the public eye. I read it privately, however, to a circle of my friends, and through them was invited to read it before a Literary Society. Since then, the Drama has been given in various parts of the country. By the earnest solicitation of s..