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Children of the Chronotron

Children of the Chronotron

by Bryce Walton

When their sun began to wane, the Xlarnans at first retreated underground to hoard the heat and life-supporting energies which their nuclear generators could supply. But as their world grew colder, century after century, they devised a means of creating a substitute for the ionosphere—a protective layer of radioactive gases in the upper reaches of ..

Dead Shot -  A Romance of the Yellowstone

Dead Shot - A Romance of the Yellowstone

by Albert W. Aiken

It was at the close of a bright May afternoon; the last rays of the sinking sun shone down gayly upon the broad prairie, through which, like a great yellow serpent, rolled the turbid waters of the Yellowstone river—a river that took its rise at the base of the Rocky Mountains and then flowed eastward, until it poured its current into the great Miss..

Marie Corelli -  The Writer and the Woman

Marie Corelli - The Writer and the Woman

by T. F. G. Coates

Miss Marie Corelli’s unique personality has aroused interest and curiosity among all classes of society, and we are aware that the present work will be diligently searched for intimate information regarding the subject of these pages. It behooves us, therefore, to remind those who peruse this volume that the writing of contemporary biography is a m..

Selected Poems of Aldous Huxley

Selected Poems of Aldous Huxley

by Aldous Huxley

A collection of poems by Aldous Huxley including the below:Song of PoplarsThe ReefThe FlowersThe ElmsOut of the WindowSummer StillnessInspirationAnniversariesItalyThe AlienA Little MemoryWakingBy the FireValedictoryPrivate PropertyRevelationMinoan PorcelainIn Uncertainty to a Lady..

The Island Trapper

The Island Trapper

by T. C. Harbaugh

The occupant of the blanketed saddle was a medium-sized man, about forty years of age. His hair, and he had an ocean of it, was an iron-gray, and shone like silver. The face was smooth, somewhat cadaverous, but healthy; and the brownish eyes, nestling between long, dark lashes, were indicative alike of gentleness and determination. He wore the ofte..

Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, and Curiosities of Art

Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects, and Curiosities of Art

by Bryce Walton

This work is not a mere compilation, or republication of anecdote. It will be found to contain much original matter, and much of the most interesting and instructive portions of the history of art. For a list of authorities, the reader is referred to the author’s Dictionary of Painters, etc., and for a convenient reference, to the Index at the end ..

Devils Tower National Monument -  A History

Devils Tower National Monument - A History

by Ray H. Mattison

This booklet is published by the DEVILS TOWER NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit organization dedicated to help preserve the features of outstanding national interest in the Devils Tower area. The association is pledged to aid in the interpretation of the human history and natural history of this area, that the visitor might better enjoy and ..

Identifying Hardwoods Growing on Pine Sites

Identifying Hardwoods Growing on Pine Sites

by Clair A. Brown

Oaks are also monoecious, and staminate flowers are in drooping catkins, which consist of a central, flexible axis with sessile, apetalous and pubescent flowers. They are most abundant on the developing new twigs. Although catkins vary among oaks, they are usually not used as distinguishing characteristics because they last only 2 to 3 weeks. Pisti..