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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1026, August 26, 1899

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1026, August 26, 1899

by Various Authors

EERYBODY, not to say every householder, is alive to the acute dangers of escaping gas. Every other thought was suspended for the moment. The hall door was left open, watched over by little Hugh, and everybody, even the stranger, Mrs. Grant, rushed to open some window. The next thing was to find out the peccant burner.Clementina called from the kitc..

The Traitor Guide

The Traitor Guide

by Jos. E. Badger

The loose stock move dejectedly along, cured of their morning propensity of running from the trail to snatch a mouthful of grass, or nip the tops of a bush, while more than one of the boys, whose duty it is to keep them within proper limits, dozes in their hard saddles. But there are three persons who appear full of life and free from the general w..

The Warden of the Marches

The Warden of the Marches

by Sydney C. Grier

It was the morning after Mabel’s arrival, and she had settled herself on the verandah with her work, a laudable pretence in which no one had ever seen her set a stitch. After Dick had ridden away, she yawned a good deal, and looked out more than once disconsolately over the desert in search of entertainment, which failed to present itself, and Geor..

Unnoticed London

Unnoticed London

by Elizabeth Montizambert

The following brief account of a few of the things that have interested me in London is not intended for the use of the inveterate sightseer, for whom so many admirable and complete fingerposts to the study of old London have been written, by such experts as Mr. Bell, Mr. Wilfred Whitten, Mr. E. V. Lucas, Mr. Ordish and Mr. Hare. It is meant for th..



by Charles Howard

The master is a great, strong man, whose looks, physique and voice, when he speaks, indicates a long frontier life. He is perhaps three and forty years of age. Some would say that he is fifty; but people must not judge age by certain crows-feet on the brow; troubles make young men old. His occupation is revealed by a quantity of animal traps lying ..

Blessed Event

Blessed Event

by Henry Farrell

Ginny nodded and moved toward the entrance to the hall. "I'd better see if he's all right," she said. "You really shouldn't have yelled at him." Lester watched broodingly as she left the room. For a moment his gaze remained darkly fixed, then moved back and down to the toes of his shoes. He sighed again, and the lines of worry, as though of sh..

BRAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 03 (of 11)

BRAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 03 (of 11)

by Henrik Ibsen

Brand was written in the summer of 1865, at Ariccia, near Rome. Fifteen months before, Ibsen had left Christiania, a voluntary exile, eager to escape from the narrow Scandinavian world, and burning with the sense of national disgrace. Denmark was in the throes of the heroic but hopeless struggle to which her northern kinsmen had sent only a handful..

EMPEROR AND GALILEAN - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 05 (of 11)

EMPEROR AND GALILEAN - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 05 (of 11)

by Henrik Ibsen

In a speech delivered at Copenhagen in 1898, Ibsen said: “It is now thirty-four years since I journeyed southward by way of Germany and Austria, and passed through the Alps on May 9. Over the mountains the clouds hung like a great dark curtain. We plunged in under it, steamed through the tunnel, and suddenly found ourselves at Miramare, where the b..