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The Dream-God

The Dream-God

by John Cuningham

The peculiar and startling effect of morphine on a person unaccustomed to its administration, was happily illustrated in the instance of a gentleman to whom, under its influence, (about three eighths of a grain,) the dream to be related occurred. This individual, (a South Carolinian resident on a plantation,) a few years ago, had lately received a ..

The Hidden Cabin

The Hidden Cabin

by David W. Edwards

The Hidden Cabin: a pathetic story in condensed form written by David W. Edwards AUTHOR OF “BILLY BIRDSALL,” “UP THE GRADE,” ETC. Palomar Mountain is one of the grandest natural attractions of Southern California. It is more than a mile in height. From its lofty “look-outs” the beautiful bay of San Diego may be descried, and also the distant island..

The Laughter of Toffee

The Laughter of Toffee

by Henry Farrell

To the casual observer that morning Marc Pillsworth presented only the picture of a rather loose-jointed, yet constrained, businessman on his way to another orderly day at the office. One would hardly have guessed that he was striding forward into the first leg of a journey that was destined to take him on a shrieking, streaking sleigh ride of madn..

History of the Forty-Eighth Regiment M. V. M. During the Civil War

History of the Forty-Eighth Regiment M. V. M. During the Civil War

by Albert Plummer

I have undertaken to write a history of the Forty-eighth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the Civil War in diary form from the commencement to the close of the service. Undoubtedly much more might have been written giving many interesting particulars concerning the different companies and incidents relating to individual members of those comp..

Observation on the Use and Abuse of Mercury, and on the Precautions Necessary in its Employment

Observation on the Use and Abuse of Mercury, and on the Precautions Necessary in its Employment

by A. Philips Wilson

The following Observations are addressed to the Public, with a view, on the one hand, to do away certain erroneous prepositions respecting the effects of Mercury, which impede the necessary employment of it; and on the other, to call its attention to the impropriety of an indiscriminate use of this medicine, by which much harm is often done, and th..

A Child of the Orient

A Child of the Orient

by Demetra Vaka

It was the last day of February. Outside a storm was raging. I could hear the angry Sea of Marmora beating violently against the coast, as if it would fain annihilate with its liquid force the solidness of the earth. And the rain, imitating the sea, was beating mightily against the window-panes, while the wind was forcing the tall, stalwart pines, ..

Armageddon, 1970

Armageddon, 1970

by Robert W. Krepps

They tried to kill Alan Rackham about an hour after he had seen the accident. They bungled the job. They shot at him from ambush—with an ordinary automatic pistol—as he was walking up to his house; and Brave, who had a sixth sense for danger which never failed him, knocked Alan over at the very instant of the shot and sprawled across him, a great s..

Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse

Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse

by Kay Lyttleton

The small village of Elmhurst, Connecticut, was enjoying a balmy early spring. The March winds were soft breezes coaxing the New England earth to life again. Night had settled after a long twilight, and gay sounds could be heard coming from the nurses’ quarters at the Gallup Memorial Clinic. The clinic, now almost two years old, was the pride of th..