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The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. VII)

The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society (Vol. VII)

by Thomas Hamilton Murray

The Irish race, both here and in the old world, has suffered so much in the way of misrepresentation at the hands of English and pro-English writers, its merits have been so minimized and its defects so magnified, that it is almost a hopeless task to attempt the refutation of even a tithe of the falsehoods.It is only when a writer offers an easily ..

The Life and Works of Joseph Wright

The Life and Works of Joseph Wright

by William Bemrose

The name of Joseph Wright, of Derby, once of high repute among English Artists, has, during the last half-century and more, sunk, altogether undeservedly, into a state of semi-oblivion. The Exhibition at Derby in 1883 did, indeed, something to restore its fame, and it is to be hoped that the present work may do yet more. Both book and exhibition ow..

The Wizard of the Cliffs

The Wizard of the Cliffs

by Arthur L. Meserve

Ever and anon as he paused for a moment, he could hear the savages coming on behind him, but he had no fear of their overtaking him. In a few minutes more he would be able to turn aside and let them go on in the wild pursuit, while he could stand quietly by and laugh at the trick he was playing upon them. Deeper and deeper grew the shadows in ..

To Sup With the Devil

To Sup With the Devil

by Myron I. Scholnick

George shook his head vigorously. "And I most certainly did. Yes. Met the Devil and had an enjoyable chat. He's a splendid chap, you know. Not at all like those pictures you see of him. No horns or red monkey outfit. He dresses most conservatively; wears a black suit. And he has nice gray hair." George patted his head. "Nice gray hair." Henry poure..

A Fable for Critics

A Fable for Critics

by James Russell Lowell

This trifle, begun to please only myself and my own private fancy, was laid on the shelf. But some friends, who had seen it, induced me, by dint of saying they liked it, to put it in print. That is, having come to that very conclusion, I asked their advice when ’t would make no confusion. For though (in the gentlest of ways) they had hinted it was ..

Hidden Country

Hidden Country

by Henry Oyen

George Chanler’s offer of a position as literary secretary of his Arctic expedition came to me one fine May morning when I was sitting at my desk, glooming from an eighteenth-story height down upon the East River, and dreading to begin the day’s work.I had sat so for many mornings past. I was not happy; I was a failure. I was thirty years old, had ..

List, Ye Landsmen! A Romance of Incident

List, Ye Landsmen! A Romance of Incident

by William Clark Russell

Sailors visit many fine countries; but there is none—not the very finest—that delights them more than the coast of their own native land when they sight it after a long voyage. The flattest piece of treeless English shore—such a melancholy, sandy, muddy waste, say, as that which the River Stour winds greasily and slimily through past Sandwich, into..

Repeat Performance

Repeat Performance

by Rog Phillips

He sensed my stare. I looked quickly down at my paper and casually took a sip of coffee. But I wasn't interested in the news now. Out of the corner of my eye I studied the little man. He wasn't more than five feet tall, very slim, and very erect. I got the strange impression of looking at a small giant. Then I realized what caused that impression. ..