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The Continent of the Future -  Africa and Its Wonderful Development

The Continent of the Future - Africa and Its Wonderful Development

by William Coppinger

The tide of modern civilization and religious development is sweeping round the globe. With the rapid advance of India, the unparalleled strides of Japan, and the steady progress of China to the new era, Africa is about to reveal its long-kept secrets and its possibilities of contributing to the elevation of its inhabitants and the welfare of the w..

Dirty Work for Doughgod

Dirty Work for Doughgod

by W. C. Tuttle

Muley Bowles is a self-made poet. Something inside that two-hundred-and-forty-pound carcass seems to move him to rime, and nothing can stop him. He’s so heavy in a saddle that all of his broncs are bowed in the legs and run their shoes over awful.Telescope Tolliver came from down in the moonshine belt, and he’s got some strange and awful ideas of w..

Pictorial Beauty on the Screen

Pictorial Beauty on the Screen

by Victor Oscar Freeburg

If I look upon a motion picture as a kind of substitute for some stage play or novel, it seems to me a poor thing, only a substitute for something better; but if I look upon it as something real in itself, a new form of pictorial art in which things have somehow been conjured into significant motion, then I get many a glimpse of touching beauty, an..

The Interpretation of Dreams

The Interpretation of Dreams

by Sigmund Freud

In attempting a discussion of the Interpretation of Dreams, I do not believe that I have overstepped the bounds of neuropathological interest. For, on psychological investigation, the dream proves to be the first link in a chain of abnormal psychic structures whose other links, the hysterical phobia, the obsession, and the delusion must, for practi..

The Millbank Case -  A Maine Mystery of To-day

The Millbank Case - A Maine Mystery of To-day

by George Dyre Eldridge

THEODORE WING had no known enemy in the world. He was a man of forty; “well-to-do,” as they say in New England; a lawyer by profession, and already “mentioned” for a county judgeship. He was unmarried, but there were those who had hopes, and there was scarce a spinster in Millbank who hadn’t a kindly word and smile for him—at times. He was not a ch..

Florida trails

Florida trails

by Winthrop Packard

The principal street of the town runs east and west from the boat landing to the railroad station. It is laid out so wide that the wagon tracks rather get lost in it and wander uncertainly from side to side, so wide that it takes three rows of stately, moss-bearded oaks to shade it, two between the broad sidewalks and the street, a third down the m..

The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 01

The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen, Vol. 01

by Henrik Ibsen

The eleven volumes of this edition contain all, save one, of the dramas which Henrik Ibsen himself admitted to the canon of his works. The one exception is his earliest, and very immature, tragedy, Catilina, first published in 1850, and republished in 1875. This play is interesting in the light reflected from the poet’s later achievements, but has ..

The Cruise of the Training Ship

The Cruise of the Training Ship

by Upton Sinclair

The speaker, a tall, heavily-built youth in a naval cadet uniform, grinned complacently into the upturned face of a youngster lying stretched out upon the orlop deck of the Naval Academy practice ship Monongahela.The victim, for such his uncomfortable position and bound arms proclaimed him to be, was much younger than his chief tormentor, and was, ..