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The Vault

The Vault

by Murray Leinster

The window slid up easily–too easily–and Mike waited a long time, listening, before he made a move. The whole huge pile of the factory was still. There were no lights anywhere, except that dim one by the gate through the stockade. Lying quite still in the darkness, Mike waited. There was no sound, no ringing of alarm bells, no bustle of activity an..

A Man in the Zoo

A Man in the Zoo

by David Garnett

JOHN CROMARTIE and Josephine Lackett gave up their green tickets at the turnstile, and entered the Zoological Society’s Gardens by the South Gate.It was a warm day at the end of February, and Sunday morning. In the air there was a smell of spring, mixed with the odours of different animals—yaks, wolves, and musk-oxen, but the two visitors did not n..

Balancing and Shoeing Trotting and Pacing Horses

Balancing and Shoeing Trotting and Pacing Horses

by William J. Moore

This is a plain, unvarnished and practical treatise on the art of balancing and shoeing trotting and pacing horses, unclouded by little known technical and scientific words and phrases, but written by the author, Wm. J. Moore, in his own every day words that can be easily understood by any horseman.Mr. Moore, who has spent his life in the business ..

Chester Water-Colours

Chester Water-Colours

by Edward Harrison Compton

LIST OF WATER-COLOURS BY E. HARRISON COMPTONThe Cathedral, from North-EastLectern in the RefectoryWatergate StreetWatergate Row, South SideStanley HouseThe CrossShrewsbury House (The “Bear and Billet”)The Falcon InnHalf-Timbered House in WhitefriarsThe Abbey GatewayThe Pepper GateChester Castle and Bridge, from South-WestThe Canal and Bridge of Sig..

Old Ruff, the Trapper

Old Ruff, the Trapper

by Bryce Walton

Settling down to this conclusion, he decided first to go on to the fort, as he could make the distance in a few hours. He had been absent several days, and his return would set at rest any uneasiness that his friends might feel, and possibly avert the awkward consequences of a search for him by several of the hunters at the post.Accordingly, when h..

Recollections of Captain Wilkie -  A Story of an Old Offender

Recollections of Captain Wilkie - A Story of an Old Offender

by Arthur Conan Doyle

I had been so full of the fact that my long-expected holiday had come at last, and that for a few days, at least, the gayeties of Paris were about to supersede the dull routine of the hospital wards, that we were well out of London before I observed that I was not alone in the compartment. In these days we have all pretty well agreed that “three is..

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

by Jessie L. Weston

The poem of which the following pages offer a prose rendering is contained in a MS., believed to be unique, of the Cottonian Collection, Nero A. X., preserved in the British Museum. The MS. is of the end of the fourteenth century, but it is possible that the composition of the poem is somewhat earlier; the subject matter is certainly of very old da..

A Gallery of Children

A Gallery of Children

by A. A. Milne

A collection of short stories for children written by A. A. MilneA voyage to IndiaBarbara's birthdayCastles by the sea.Miss Waterlow in bedPoor AnneSand babiesSparrow Tree SquareThe baby showThe Magic HillThe three daughters of M. DupontThe twinsThe Princess and the apple treeONCE upon a time there was a beautiful Princess, who loved all lovel..