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Purpose in Prayer

Purpose in Prayer

by Edward M. Bounds

Edward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Mo., August 15, 1835, and died August 24, 1913, in Washington, Ga. He received a common school education at Shelbyville and was admitted to the bar soon after his majority. He practiced law until called to preach the Gospel at the age of twenty-four. His first pastorate was Monticello, Mo., Circuit..

Wildwood Ways

Wildwood Ways

by Winthrop Packard

TO-DAY came with a flashing sun that looked through crystal-clear atmosphere into the eyes of a keen northwest wind that had dried up all of November’s fog and left no trace of moisture to hold its keenness and touch you with its chill. It was one of those days when the cart road from the north side to the south side of a pine wood leads you from e..

Young Engineer's Guide

Young Engineer's Guide

by J. V. Rohan

Some two years ago the author commenced collecting memoranda of mechanical and practical information pertaining to the care and operation of steam engines and boilers, with a view of forming a systematic digest.Being an employee of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. for a number of years my attention was called to the constant inquiry for a book ..

His Excellency's English Governess

His Excellency's English Governess

by Sydney C. Grier

It was Presentation-day at the University of London. The date was somewhere in the latter half of the present century,—not this year, nor last year, nor the year before that, when you, dear reader, or your brother or cousin, may have graced the scene in cap and gown—but so long ago that the graduates and undergraduates of to-day were still in the n..

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion -  A Study in Survivals

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion - A Study in Survivals

by John Cuthbert Lawson

This book is the outcome of work undertaken in Greece during my two years’ tenure of the Craven Studentship from 1898 to 1900. It is therefore my first duty gratefully to commemorate John, Lord Craven, to whose benefactions of two and a half centuries ago I owed my opportunity for research.The scheme of work originally proposed was the investigatio..

Little Miss Dorothy

Little Miss Dorothy

by Bryce Walton

Dorothy May was a dear little girl, whose soft eyes met yours with a twinkle in their brown depths. She was very fond of Cousin Ray, a bright-haired boy all curves and dimples, who lived quite near and often came to play with her. These two little people wondered about the great world around them; about the trees and flowers, the birds and the blue..

The Scottish Cavalier -  An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

by James Grant

From the historical and descriptive nature of the following tale, the Author intended that certain passages should be illustrated with notes, containing the local traditions and authorities from which it has been derived; but on second thoughts he has preferred confining these explanations to the preface.History will have rendered familiar to the r..

The Scottish Cavalier -  An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

by James Grant

Louis, surnamed the Saint, King of France, having taken the cross, sailed with a splendid retinue of knights, nobles, and soldiers bent on the delivery of Jerusalem from the profanation of the Moslem; and, landing in the East, laid siege to Damietta (in Lower Egypt), which he triumphantly won by storm. But, after enduring innumerable hardships and ..