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Travels in Nova Scotia in the Year 1913

Travels in Nova Scotia in the Year 1913

by C. G. Hine

Nova Scotia was a sudden inspiration, induced by the enthusiasm of a friend who had enjoyed a recent vacation here, and after some correspondence with Nova Scotians who knew their country, I selected the coast line between Yarmouth and Halifax.The afternoon of October 12, 1913, saw me venturing forth from Boston on the Governor Cobb. The day had be..

Du Bose Heyward -  A Critical and Biographical Sketch

Du Bose Heyward - A Critical and Biographical Sketch

by Hervey Allen

There was a fashion amongst a certain school of critics and literati of former years to go about the country with dark lanterns ready to flash their microscopic spot lights upon this or that author, as he emerged for a brief moment from the great North American obscurity, and to proclaim that he had or certainly would or could write the great Ameri..

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

by Anonymous

Organisms that cause food spoilage—molds, yeasts, and bacteria—are always present in the air, water, and soil. Enzymes that may cause undesirable changes in flavor, color, and texture are present in raw fruits and vegetables.When you can fruits and vegetables you heat them hot enough and long enough to destroy spoilage organisms. This heating (or p..

Jabberwock, Beware!

Jabberwock, Beware!

by Richard A. Sternbach

The Security Council was in emergency session. The four delegates would have had easier consciences had more nations been represented, but it was hard to travel now. Only Russia, England and France were able to send their men to New York.The others said nothing. Overhead, above New York's stone and glass UN building that had been conceived in hope ..

The Bride of Huitzil—An Aztec Legend

The Bride of Huitzil—An Aztec Legend

by Hervey Allen

The Bride of Huitzil—An Aztec Legend is a collection  of poems by Hervey Allen.In Anahuac there reigned a king    Some fifty summers old,    The bloody darling of his gods,    Who sent him luck and gold    And captives from a thousand fights,    And victory in each war;    No mer..

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

by John Pory

We all know what the Pilgrim Fathers wrote about themselves and their settlements on the (not so) “stern and rockbound coast”; but how many people know that they were visited thrice, between 1622 and 1627, by outsiders who left on record candid accounts of what they saw? That is the reason for this book. These three accounts—one by a gentleman from..

Wampum and Old Gold

Wampum and Old Gold

by Hervey Allen

Wampum and Old Gold: a Poem collection by Hervey Allen.You who made meWith first ecstasyWhen I was sown,And lovely things at nightI will not writeAnd burdened moan,While veiny labyrinths with mystery ranTill time and blood were lifeAnd I began—By holier things than God,Or any other shibboleth of man,Dead woman wan,By the thin, silver scream th..



by Frank M. Robinson

Clark Street, just north of Chicago's Loop, was the symbol of a million things, all of them bad, Manning thought. Bumpy paving bricks rutted with street car tracks and bordered on both sides by cheap saloons and quarter-a-night flop houses. Hot summer nights when the drunks clustered like flies on the sidewalks and Newberry Park was crowded with cr..