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Paradise Planet

Paradise Planet

by Richard S. Shaver

It was a queer looking planet. As his ship approached it, Steve Donay could see slowly rising and twisting coils of strange smoke, brown and silver and gold, like great snakes or the tenuous flesh of some creature of the air. He hated to think of setting down on that world of surface fires. But what else was there to do? He was at the end of his su..

Religio Journalistici

Religio Journalistici

by Christopher Morley

 I WAS coming home from Buffalo in a train delightfully called “The Black Diamond.” I had any number of books in my bag, but my lower instincts were uppermost: I was tired, and pined for the narcosis of newspapers. I asked the porter, also a black diamond, to see if there were any lying around. He brought me a great mass of them: Chicago paper..

The Cream of the Jest -  A comedy of evasions

The Cream of the Jest - A comedy of evasions

by James Branch Cabell

MUCH has been written critically about Felix Kennaston since the disappearance of his singular personality from the field of contemporary writers; and Mr. Froser’s Biography contains all it is necessary to know as to the facts of Kennaston’s life. Yet most readers of the Biography, I think, must have felt that the great change in Kennaston no long ..

The Story of Rome, From the Earliest Times to the Death of Augustus

The Story of Rome, From the Earliest Times to the Death of Augustus

by Mary Macgregor

The Story of Rome has been written, as you know, in your beautiful, quiet old garden. And as the story grew, the short cold days of winter passed and the long warm days of summer were here. In the garden a miracle had been wrought. It had become alive.  After slow, persistent struggle with storm and frost, the delicate bare branches were no lo..

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

The Wizard of Wall Street and His Wealth

by Trumbull White

The history of any man who had been able to distinguish himself by acquiring in his lifetime the greatest amount of wealth ever accumulated by one man, would necessarily be of interest, even if his success had been won by the most ordinary of methods or the most marvelous succession of good fortune. But when that man is one whose career was full of..

No Sons Left to Die!

No Sons Left to Die!

by Hal Annas

Susan Wildress knew that what she was about to do might mean death. She stopped eating and stared at the ration of ground cedar bark, rabbit, and a hydroponic which tasted like eggplant. She pushed back her plate and glanced around at the tense girl faces in the huge dining hall. She lifted a small strong hand and ran it inside her sweater. She bro..

Suspense -  A Napoleonic Novel

Suspense - A Napoleonic Novel

by Joseph Conrad

A deep red glow flushed the fronts of marble palaces piled up on the slope of an arid mountain whose barren ridge traced high on the darkening sky a ghostly and glimmering outline. The winter sun was setting over the Gulf of Genoa. Behind the massive shore the sky to the east was like darkening glass. The open water too had a glassy look with a pur..

The Music Master

The Music Master

by F. L. Wallace

After the performers filed off stage the audience chattered politely and drifted toward the exits. Danny Tocar looked up at his mother, and, on impulse, detached his hand from hers and lingered behind. As long as she was busy culturizing he wouldn't be missed. When the auditorium was empty Danny made his way to the stage and stood among the instrum..