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The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation

The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation

by J. M. Woodman

The question as to what kind of reading shall yield us the most exquisite enjoyment, largely depends upon our ability for self-development. Taste in reading, as in eating, is often an educated faculty. The relish that we now have for many kinds of food, we had to acquire. We all have faculties for intellectual, moral and spiritual enjoyment, in lin..

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards

by William Ridgeway

The following pages are an attempt to arrive at a knowledge of the origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards by the Comparative Method. As both these institutions played a not inconsiderable part in the development of civilization, it seemed worth while to approach the subject from a different point of view from that from which it had been p..

The River Rifles

The River Rifles

by Edward Sylvester Ellis

The long sweeping oars that were hung at either end of the flat-boat were now called into requisition and applied by seemingly invisible hands. Under their influence, the huge unwieldy mass of lumber began sidling toward the bank, somewhat after the fashion of a cautious turtle, that had not made up his mind as yet, whether he was doing an exactly ..

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

by John Thomas McIntyre

SHTON-KIRK is a young man of means and position. The unusual has a sort of fascination for him; his subtle perception, and keen, direct habit of mind cause him to delight in the investigation of those crimes which have proved too shadowy for the police.In “Ashton-Kirk, Investigator,” another book dealing with his experiences, he was concerned with ..

The Seven Lamps of Advocacy

The Seven Lamps of Advocacy

by Edward Abbott Parry

The great advocate is like the great actor: he fills the stage for his span of life, succeeds, gains our applause, makes his last bow, and the curtain falls. Nothing is so elusive as the art of acting, unless indeed it be the sister art of advocacy. You cannot say that the methods of Garrick, Kean or Irving, Erskine, Hawkins or Russell, were the ri..

Foods and Their Adulteration

Foods and Their Adulteration

by Harvey Washington Wiley

This manual is descriptive in character and aims to give, within its scope, as thoroughly and intelligibly as possible, an account of the various food-products in common use in their natural and manufactured conditions, with the usual adulterations which have been found therein.It includes information regarding Methods of Preparation and Manufactur..

Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters

Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters

by Joseph Cundall

Tales of Robin Hood and his merry foresters were the delight of my boyhood. Many an hour which my school-fellows spent in games of cricket or leap-frog, I passed happily away in the rustic arbour that we had built in the corner of our play-ground, deeply intent upon a volume of old ballads that chance had thrown before me. Sometimes a companion or ..

The Cyberene

The Cyberene

by Rog Phillips

Her voice shattered the cathedral silence, going the full four hundred and fifty foot perimeter of the fourteen foot wide floor that encircled the case of the Brain. The echo rebounded from the maze of ladders and catwalks that went up and up until they were lost to view where the fifteen foot thick outer wall began its upward slope to form the gia..