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The Wounded Name

The Wounded Name

by Bryce Walton

She was not young—forty-five at least—but she was distinctly charming in her very short-waisted, close-fitting gown of lilac sarcenet. The irregular-shaped room, cool and fresh and sunlit, opened by a small bow-window on her left hand on to a garden that could not have been other than English. And she herself looked English, yet she had just signed..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 36, Vol. I, September 6, 1884

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 36, Vol. I, September 6, 1884

by Chambers' Journal

To the majority of people, the surroundings of the legal profession, to say nothing of the law itself, are subjects fraught with no inconsiderable amount of the mysterious. For instance, what a variety of conceptions have been formed by the uninitiated with respect to one ceremony alone connected with the ‘upper branch’ of the legal profession; we ..

Earthmen Ask No Quarter!

Earthmen Ask No Quarter!

by Fox B. Holden

What could he tell them? They were not fools, after all, and he was so impossibly exhausted.... Uniform was a mess. All day and all night, words, words, ... and nothing. Too many useless, powerless words, all adding up to nothing. Foreign space admirals, ground-force field marshals, defense secretaries from a dozen capitals. Where were the ion-fiel..

Half Hours With Modern Scientists -  Lectures and Essays

Half Hours With Modern Scientists - Lectures and Essays

by George F. Barker

The title of this Series of Essays—Half Hours with Modern Scientists—suggests a variety of thoughts, some of which may not be inappropriate for a brief introduction to a new edition. Scientist is a modern appellation which has been specially selected to designate a devotee to one or more branches of physical science. Strictly interpreted it might p..

Oliver Bright's Search

Oliver Bright's Search

by Edward Stratemeyer

Oliver Bright’s Search, the second volume of the Bound to Succeed Series, relates the adventures of a manly American youth who goes West to locate a mine in which his invalid father owns a large interest. Oliver is just out of school, and has but little experience in travelling, yet he does not hesitate to take the trip to California, by way of the..

Secret History of To-day -  Being Revelations of a Diplomatic Spy

Secret History of To-day - Being Revelations of a Diplomatic Spy

by Allen Upward

The initials under which I write these confessions are not those of my real name, which I could not disclose without exposing myself to the revenge of formidable enemies. As it is, I run a very great risk in making revelations which affect some of the most powerful personages now living; and it is only by the exercise of the utmost discretion that ..

Textile Fabrics

Textile Fabrics

by Daniel Rock

Textile Fabrics: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Church-vestments, Dresses, Silk Stuffs, Needlework and Tapestries, forming that Section of the Museum. Like every other specific collection of art labour among the several such brought together within these splendid halls of the South Kensington Museum, this extensive one made from ..

The English Prison System

The English Prison System

by Evelyn Ruggles-Brise

The International Prison Congress at Washington the invitation of the British Government to hold the next Quinquennial Congress of 1915 in London. The invitation was accepted with enthusiasm. The London Congress of 1872 had prepared the way for the creation of the International Commission, which was founded a few years later; but, though supported ..