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The Making of Modern Japan

The Making of Modern Japan

by John Harington Gubbins

There is much speculation, but no certainty, regarding the origin of the Japanese people. It is, however, generally held that the Japanese race is made up of two main elements—one Mongolian, which came to Japan from Northern Asia by way of Korea, and the other Malayan; a third strain being possibly supplied to some small extent by the Ainu aborigin..

Beyond the Great South Wall

Beyond the Great South Wall

by Frank Savile

The purr and throb of London was quivering in stuffily through the open windows. The squeals of the “special” newsboys and the hansom-whistles of the early diners-out splashed across the blur and din, standing out against the immeasurable roar as against a silence. The heat of a London summer lay heavily over us; the undying rattle of wheels beat u..

His Royal Nibs

His Royal Nibs

by Onoto Watanna

Bully Bill had “herding” down to a science, and “them doegies,” as he called them, went in a long line before him like an army in review. Had events followed their natural course, the cattle should have filed out of the opened gate into the roadway, and across the road to the south field, where, duly, they would distribute themselves among the humm..

Leave, Earthmen--Or Die!

Leave, Earthmen--Or Die!

by John Massie Davis

In a dwindling spiral they circled the planet, and Murph's cold blue eyes studied the radarscreen. Things looked good: no sign of cities, social denizens or humanoids. He was scribbling notes on his desk when the all-wave above him started crackling. He watched the green line sweep back and forth along the dial, finally centering on the wave length..



by Hal Annas

Jerry Kerran watched the news analyst fade from the screen to be replaced by a woman who looked directly at him and said, "Listen, girls! Professor Madigan's greatest invention. A new kind of magnetism more powerful than gravity. Works as a supplement to a natural magnetism. Can be controlled—"Kerran switched off the current. "Women," he growled. "..

Observations on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod-liver

Observations on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod-liver

by John Savory

The introduction of a new therapeutical agent into general practice cannot fail to interest the medical profession and the public, and, profiting by the experience attained in a consideration of the manner in which former remedies have been brought into notice, extolled for their efficacy, persevered in for a time, and then gradually permitted to f..

THE VIKINGS AT  HELGELAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 02 (of 11)

THE VIKINGS AT HELGELAND - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen Vol. 02 (of 11)

by Henrik Ibsen

Ibsen himself has told us, in his preface to the second edition of The Feast at Solhoug, how the reading of the Icelandic family-sagas suggested to him, in germ, the theme of The Vikings at Helgeland. What he first saw, he says, was the contrasted figures of the two women who ultimately became Hiördis and Dagny, together with a great banquet-scene ..

A Zloor for Your Trouble!

A Zloor for Your Trouble!

by Mack Reynolds

After the four G's acceleration had cut off and we were in free fall, I took the opportunity to read the contract I'd hurriedly signed with Westley Marks. On thorough reading, the contract didn't seem too bad. All my expenses to and from Mars were paid by Marks. I also got five credits a month in the way of salary—no fortune, but average pay for a ..