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Repeat Performance

Repeat Performance

by Rog Phillips

He sensed my stare. I looked quickly down at my paper and casually took a sip of coffee. But I wasn't interested in the news now. Out of the corner of my eye I studied the little man. He wasn't more than five feet tall, very slim, and very erect. I got the strange impression of looking at a small giant. Then I realized what caused that impression. ..

The Geography of New Jersey

The Geography of New Jersey

by Henry Snyder

The original inhabitants of New Jersey H were Indians of the Delaware tribe, which belonged to the Algonquin family. The early white settlers were of different nationalities,—Dutch, Swedes, English, and French. The geographical names of the state are interesting reminders of the various occupants.The first exploration of the state was made by Henry..

X Marks the Asteroid

X Marks the Asteroid

by Ross Rocklynne

The Unterzuyder map was out of hiding. Relayed on a grapevine that spanned the planets, the news caught on big in Marsport. Bigger Bailes sat at a beer-bottle-colored glass desk in his underworld retreat, announcing his intent to claim the reward money that for eighty-five years had been piling up at compound interest in the Terra-First National Ba..

Mancala, the National Game of Africa

Mancala, the National Game of Africa

by Stewart Culin

The comparative study of games is one that promises an important contribution to the history of culture. The questions involved in their diffusion over the earth are among the vital ones that confound the ethnologist. Their origins are lost in the unwritten history of the childhood of man. Mancala is a game that is remarkable for its peculiar distr..

Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway

Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway

by Edward Mead Earle

The Chester concessions and the Anglo-American controversy regarding the Mesopotamian oilfields are but two conspicuous instances of the rapid development of American activity in the Near East. Turkey, already an important market for American goods, gives promise of becoming a valuable source of raw materials for American factories and a fertile fi..



by Maxwell Bodenheim

CARL Felman stepped from a train at the Union Station of a midwestern American city. His young face, partly obscured by a blonde stubble of beard, was a passive concealment, and his thin lips and long nose did not hold that stalwart sleekness which one associates with earth. If some joker had taken a Gothic effigy of Christ, trimmed its beard, dres..

Icarus - The Future of Science

Icarus - The Future of Science

by Bertrand Russell

Mr. Haldane’s Daedalus has set forth an attractive picture of the future as it may become through the use of scientific discoveries to promote human happiness. Much as I should like to agree with his forecast, a long experience of statesmen and governments has made me somewhat sceptical. I am compelled to fear that science will be used to promote t..

Mrs. Siddons

Mrs. Siddons

by Nina H. Kennard

In spite of Mrs. Siddons’s professed shrinking from the celebrity that biographers would confer upon her, and her preference for the “still small voice of tender relatives and estimable friends,” we know that she bequeathed her Memoranda, Letters, and Diary to the poet Campbell—an intimate friend during her latter years—with a request that he would..