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Overweight and Underweight

Overweight and Underweight

by Anonymous

Desirable weight is a very individual thing. It may be described as the weight at which a person both looks and feels his best. Height, bone structure, and muscular development must all be taken into account.Because no two people are alike, weight tables cannot show with complete accuracy exactly what every individual should weigh. The tables shown..

An Address to the People of New-England

An Address to the People of New-England

by Samuel Hopkins

My Design in this Address is to represent, to the People in this Country, the very great Importance of treating the Indians, who live among us, and upon our Borders, in a just, kind and charitable Manner; and that we do, by all proper Means and Methods, endeavour to attach them to us, and to the British Interest. This, I apprehend, is a Subject tha..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 38, Vol. I, September 20, 1884

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 38, Vol. I, September 20, 1884

by Chambers' Journal

Edward Jenner was born at Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, in 1749, his father being vicar of that place. He was apprenticed to a doctor at Sudbury, and afterwards came to London, where for a time he served under John Hunter. After taking his diploma, he returned to his native place, and it was here that he practised his profession, and also made that..

The Abergeldie Winter Book

The Abergeldie Winter Book

by Mlle. Riego De La Branchardiere

Work five Divisions more the same, and sew the slanting sides of them together. Three rounds of 1 chain, miss 1 and 1 plain, should be worked along the neck, then commencing at the right point work a plain row up the front, across the neck, and down the other side.The Rosette—Fill the Shuttle with the Wool and using the mesh for the pearl loops, co..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1026, August 26, 1899

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1026, August 26, 1899

by Various Authors

EERYBODY, not to say every householder, is alive to the acute dangers of escaping gas. Every other thought was suspended for the moment. The hall door was left open, watched over by little Hugh, and everybody, even the stranger, Mrs. Grant, rushed to open some window. The next thing was to find out the peccant burner.Clementina called from the kitc..

The Traitor Guide

The Traitor Guide

by Jos. E. Badger

The loose stock move dejectedly along, cured of their morning propensity of running from the trail to snatch a mouthful of grass, or nip the tops of a bush, while more than one of the boys, whose duty it is to keep them within proper limits, dozes in their hard saddles. But there are three persons who appear full of life and free from the general w..

The Warden of the Marches

The Warden of the Marches

by Sydney C. Grier

It was the morning after Mabel’s arrival, and she had settled herself on the verandah with her work, a laudable pretence in which no one had ever seen her set a stitch. After Dick had ridden away, she yawned a good deal, and looked out more than once disconsolately over the desert in search of entertainment, which failed to present itself, and Geor..

Unnoticed London

Unnoticed London

by Elizabeth Montizambert

The following brief account of a few of the things that have interested me in London is not intended for the use of the inveterate sightseer, for whom so many admirable and complete fingerposts to the study of old London have been written, by such experts as Mr. Bell, Mr. Wilfred Whitten, Mr. E. V. Lucas, Mr. Ordish and Mr. Hare. It is meant for th..