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Ticket to the Stars

Ticket to the Stars

by Raymond E. Banks

The Ideal came up to him and slipped on the stool beside him with some word of greeting. She was human all right. Too human. She was dressed in white. Most of them dress in white. There was some gold sprinkled on her costume. It was very expensive, made of Scolarian cloth, flowing around her body. Kelly bit his lip and pulled away from the touch of..

An Account of the Battle of Wilson's Creek

An Account of the Battle of Wilson's Creek

by Thomas W. Adams

In giving an account of the battle of Wilson’s Creek, or Oak Hills, which though not the largest, has passed into history, as one of the hardest and best fought battles of the American Civil War, it is necessary to describe certain military movements and operations which took place previously, in order that a better understanding of all of the circ..

The Hunter Hercules

The Hunter Hercules

by Harry St. George

It was a beautiful scene. Not a cloud marred the vast blue dome of heaven. Autumn reigned supreme in the Lone Star State, where brave Houston fought, and valiant Bowie fell at the Alamo. Near the Comanche ground on the far north-western border of the State we would bring the reader on this bright, cheerful morning in October.The prairie which, a mo..

The Strange Decoy

The Strange Decoy

by Jos. E. Badger

One glance would decide this. The soiled and blood-stained garments of the half-score figures gathered around the cheerful, crackling fire, in attitudes of careless ease, for the most part with pipe in mouth, the half-picked bones and fragments of meat scattered profusely here and there, telling of a hearty meal just passed by. The horses, rudely h..

Winter Butterflies in Bolinas

Winter Butterflies in Bolinas

by Mary D. Barber

The Monarch Butterfly Anosia Plexippus is a familiar object in many parts of the United States, but the fact that it migrates, covering in its flights hundreds and even thousands of miles, is not generally known. This butterfly appears in immense swarms every year early in September at Bolinas, a sheltered haven on the coast of California, about te..

A Briefe Discovrse of a Disease called the Suffocation of the Mother

A Briefe Discovrse of a Disease called the Suffocation of the Mother

by Edward Iorden

A Briefe Discovrse of a Disease caAs I am desirous to satisfie all indifferent men concerning the occasion and intent of this my discourse: so I thought good to direct the same especially vnto this societie, whereof I am a member; to testifie both how iustly or rather necessarily I haue beene drawn to the vndertaking and publishing hereof: as also ..

Is Tomorrow Hitler's?

Is Tomorrow Hitler's?

by H. R. Knickerbocker

There is no such thing as winning a fight without passion. France went to war apologetically; France fought the war without music, and so France lost. Britain went to war apologetically, but Britain had the inestimable advantage of being bombed, and today for the first time in 100 years Britain is angry and is fighting as she has never fought befor..

A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

by Tamar Davis

At the present time, when the Sabbath controversy is engaging so much of the public attention, and when Sabbath Conventions and Sabbath Unions are being chronicled almost monthly, I consider it unnecessary to offer any apology for the introduction of the following work to the public notice. My reader need not fear a repetition or recapitulation of ..