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A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

by Tamar Davis

At the present time, when the Sabbath controversy is engaging so much of the public attention, and when Sabbath Conventions and Sabbath Unions are being chronicled almost monthly, I consider it unnecessary to offer any apology for the introduction of the following work to the public notice. My reader need not fear a repetition or recapitulation of ..

Damned -  The Intimate Story of a Girl

Damned - The Intimate Story of a Girl

by E. S. Dorrance

The most imperfect day known for ages in the Court of Gehenna was drawing to a close. The seven Tartarean courtiers had effaced themselves as far back in the auditorium as the folds of its black and red electric hangings would permit. Each held eyes and ears intent, realizing far too well that his particular tenure of preferment hung upon the mood ..

Impressions and experiences

Impressions and experiences

by William Dean Howells

My earliest memories, or those which I can make sure are not the sort of early hearsay that we mistake for remembrance later in life, concern a country newspaper, or, rather, a country printing-office. The office was in my childish consciousness some years before the paper was; the compositors rhythmically swaying before their cases of type; the pr..

Londinium, Architecture and the Crafts

Londinium, Architecture and the Crafts

by W. R. Lethaby

It is curious that Roman buildings and crafts in Britain have hardly been studied as part of the story of our national art. The subject has been neglected by architects and left aside for antiquaries. Yet when this story is fully written, it will appear how important it is as history, and how suggestive in the fields of practice. This provincial Ro..

Raw Material

Raw Material

by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Raw Material is a collection of short stories written by Dorothy Canfield Fisher.Raw MaterialUncle Giles“What Goes Up...”Old Man WarnerThe Ideas of M. BrodardFairfax HunterProfessor Paul Meyer“While All the Gods...”Scylla and CharybdisArt AtmosphereColonel ShaysA Great LoveSupply and DemandUncle EllisGod’s CountryInheritanceThirty Years After“..

The Cosmic Junkman

The Cosmic Junkman

by Rog Phillips

The black eyes glanced down. The long-fingered hand began to retrieve the cards, then paused. Vilbis' almost classic features darkened with anger. With an effort he became calm. A secret inner amusement made little lights in his eyes as he looked up at his two captors again."You know," Bill Ford said thoughtfully, "sometimes I think you must have s..

At the North of Bearcamp Water

At the North of Bearcamp Water

by Frank Bolles

During nearly the whole of the forenoon of July 3, 1892, a soft rain had been falling. It had begun in the night to the discomfiture of the whippoorwills, but not to the extinguishment of their voices. It continued until nearly noon, when the wind shifted from east to west, patches of blue sky appeared, and ever and anon gleams of sunlight fell upo..

Babies Are Such Fun to Dress

Babies Are Such Fun to Dress

by American Thread Company

With Pink and No. 4 needles cast on, 86 (92) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 5 rows inc 28 (28) sts evenly spaced in last row of ribbing—114 (120) sts. Change to No. 6 needles, and work in pattern same as sweater for 3¼ inches ending with 4th pattern row. 1st DEC ROW: Working in pattern * K 2 tog, K 17 (18), repeat from * across row—6 sts dec. 2n..