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Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays

Pennsylvania Dutch, and other essays

by Phebe Earle Gibbons

The leading article in this collection appeared, as first published, in the Atlantic Monthly in October, 1869. After this essay was written I became better acquainted with our plain German sects, and wrote articles describing them, which were published in the first edition of this book. It appeared in 1872.To the second edition were added “Bethlehe..

Summer Flowers of the High Alps

Summer Flowers of the High Alps

by Somerville Hastings

The coloured plates of Alpine plants, which are the special feature of this book, are all reproduced from colour photographs taken directly from nature. The plants were all photographed exactly as they were found, with two exceptions, in the immediate neighbourhood of Rosenlaui in the Bernese Oberland during the month of July 1909; so that the pict..

A Soldier's Home Is Battle

A Soldier's Home Is Battle

by Lowell Stone

Private First Class Jerry Conlon glanced from the radar screen to the other five members of his Atomic Gun Post team on the outer perimeter of the city. The look in their eyes was one of dazed alarm. Automatically he joined them in zipping shut radiation suits, and then they went for the gun controls, knowing it was too late. A flash of intolerable..

Condiments, Spices and Flavors

Condiments, Spices and Flavors

by Mary Elizabeth Green

In this pamphlet no attempt has been made to give specific directions as to the uses of spices and condiments. It must be borne in mind that their usage results neither from the demands of fashion nor of a vitiated sense of taste, but from their own germicidal and preservative qualities. From the spiced and perfumed mummies of the Pharaohs to the s..

Self-Organizing Systems, 1963

Self-Organizing Systems, 1963

by James Emmett Garvey

The papers appearing in this volume were presented at a Symposium on Self-Organizing Systems, which was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, on 14 November 1963. The Symposium was organized with the aim of providing a critical forum for the presentation and discussion of..

The Disembodied Man

The Disembodied Man

by Jack Owen Jardine

It was a cold night, and lonely, for George Jameson. He paced the floor of his apartment, back  and forth, into the kitchen, into the hall, through the bedroom, back and forth. Angrily, he reached for his coat. Maybe some fresh air would do him good. He buttoned the coat, fumbled for his overcoat. Then he walked outdoors.It was snowing. The cl..

The Fifty-Fourth of July

The Fifty-Fourth of July

by Alan Edward Nourse

It was well after dark when Matt Matthews got back down to the headquarters camp, and saw the city stranger sitting there before the fire. He knew he was a city man after a single glance at the shiny, low-topped shoes and the reminiscence of a crease in the dusty trousers. Matt tossed the gophers and the two small coyotes off his broad shoulders to..

The Frogs of Mars

The Frogs of Mars

by Roger D. Aycock

There was nothing special about the little man who came into Larry's place, unless it might have been his air of vague familiarity and the mixed expression on his face. He looked disgusted and defensive and at the same time a little resentful, with a dash of something else thrown in which none of us recognized until later.I'd have mistaken him for ..