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The Negro And American Liberty

The Negro And American Liberty

by John Moore

It seems like a paradox to speak of the Negro as efficiently related to the cause of freedom in America. He was brought here and forced into slavery, in which condition he was held most of the time since the country was settled. He was treated not as a human being, but as property to be used only for the advantage of his oppressors. Some became fre..

Tyrants of Time

Tyrants of Time

by Milton Lesser

Something buzzed in Tedor Barwan's right ear, driving the throbbing hum of the Eradrome momentarily away. In the sea of sound the rasp of the radio receiver buried in Tedor's mastoid bone was still unmistakable, and it alarmed him. He tongued the transmitter in his palate and said, "This is Barwan. Go ahead."There was nothing but the noise of the E..

A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America

A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America

by Jacob Green

Some geologists imagine that the order of creation is registered in the rocks which compose the external crust of the earth, and that they can there clearly read a progressive development of organic life; in other words, that a succession of more perfect animals may be traced in ascending from the lower strata to the upper or more recent formations..

A Treatise on Bread, and Bread-making

A Treatise on Bread, and Bread-making

by Sylvester Graham

There are probably few people in civilized life, who—were the question put to them directly—would not say, that they consider bread one of the most, if not the most important article of diet which enters into the food of man. And yet there is, in reality, almost a total and universal carelessness about the character of bread. Thousands in civic lif..

Aunt Lydia's Designs

Aunt Lydia's Designs

by American Thread Company

With crochet hook make a loop, drop loop. Remove bar from staple, place dropped loop on left prong with yarn to front of staple, replace bar. Working with bar at bottom and curve at top, pass yarn over right prong to back of staple keeping the beg of loop at center. Insert hook through loop and pull yarn through, yarn over and pull through loop, * ..

Good Newes from New England

Good Newes from New England

by Edward Winslow

Both colonies being thus agreed, and their companies fitted and joined together, we resolved to set forward, but were oft crossed in our purposes. As first Master Richard Greene, brother-in-law to master Weston, who from him had a charge in the oversight and government of his colony, died suddenly at our Plantation, to whom we gave burial befitting..

South Africa; vol I

South Africa; vol I

by Anthony Trollope

IT was in April of last year, 1877, that I first formed a plan of paying an immediate visit to South Africa. The idea that I would one day do so had long loomed in the distance before me. Except the South African group I had seen all our great groups of Colonies,—among which in my own mind I always include the United States, for to my thinking, our..

The Captives of the Wilderness

The Captives of the Wilderness

by Boynton Belknap

Captain Parks, a blunt, corpulent, middle-aged man, who had served and been wounded in the Revolutionary war, was toilsomely making his way along the banks of the Ohio, near the close of day, followed by his servant, a great fat negro, of about as much use as a common ox would have been. He was endeavoring to reach a certain point, which had been d..