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Slaves to the Metal Horde

Slaves to the Metal Horde

by Stephen Marlowe

Johnny Hope backed off warily, retreating toward the sun-dried creek bed, a jagged brown scar across the parched grassland. He carried no weapon and as the others closed in about him in a tightening semi-circle his eyes darted furtively in all directions. But all the faces were stamped, as from a mold, with uncompromising hostility.Nearly the entir..

The Proof of the Pudding

The Proof of the Pudding

by Meredith Nicholson

It was three o’clock, but the luncheon the Kinneys were giving at the Country Club had survived the passing of less leisurely patrons and now dominated the house. The negro waiters, having served all the food and drink prescribed, perched on the railing of the veranda outside the dining-room, ready to offer further liquids if they should be demande..

Forest Trees and Forest Scenery

Forest Trees and Forest Scenery

by G. Frederick Schwarz

In the ensuing pages I have made simple inquiries into the sources of beauty and attractiveness in American forest trees and sylvan scenery. In the concluding chapter, by way of contrast, I have given a short account of the esthetic effects of the artificial forests of Europe. The system which shaped these forests and gave them their present appear..

Hawaiian Historical Legends

Hawaiian Historical Legends

by W. D. Westervelt

From mist to sunshine—from fabled gods to a constitution and legislature as a Territory of the United States—this is the outline of the stories told in the present volume. This outline is thoroughly Hawaiian in the method of presentation. The old people rehearsed stories depending upon stories told before. They cared very little for dates. This is ..

The Canary Islands

The Canary Islands

by Florence Du Cane

Probably many people have shared my feeling of disappointment on landing at Santa Cruz. I had long ago realised that few places come up to the standard of one’s preconceived ideas, so my mental picture was not in this case a very beautiful one; but even so, the utter hideousness of the capital of Teneriffe was a shock to me.Unusually clear weather ..

Rasputin and the Russian Revolution

Rasputin and the Russian Revolution

by Princess Catherine Radziwill

When the book called “Behind the Veil at the Russian Court” was published the Romanoff’s were reigning and, considering the fact that she was living in Russia at the time, the author of it, had her identity become known, would have risked being subjected to grave annoyances, and even being sent to that distant Siberia where Nicholas II is at presen..

A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth

A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth

by Dwight B. Heath

Any good book must mean many things to many readers, and this journal offers more than just reflections of past glories and intimations of great tragedy. It is a primary source for American history in that critical period when a beach-head of Anglo culture was established in the New World. In this volume are the earliest accounts of the “Mayflower ..

John's Other Practice

John's Other Practice

by Bryce Walton

I knew that John Cunningham had been warned on graduation day that no man with a romantic nature should specialize in gynecology. John was not only a romanticist; he was also the best looking intern north of the equator.The laws of probability functioned. Within three years, John Cunningham was married, divorced, disgraced and flat broke. And so it..