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A Soldier’s Diary

A Soldier’s Diary

by Ralph Scott

Lord Robert Cecil has said that he is amazed at the false picture of war given by the history books, and that he trusts that the historians of the future will give us a better picture of what war really is than have historians of the past. I doubt if they will. They are concerned with the statesmen who direct and the generals who control, rather th..

Gloucestershire Friends

Gloucestershire Friends

by F. W. Harvey

The secret of Mr. Harvey’s power is that he says what other English lads in Flanders want to say and cannot.... This modest little volume has real charm, and not a little depth of thought and beauty. It contains far more real poetry than many a volume ten times its length.Bishop Frodsham in The Saturday Review.The poems are all short—too short. Lie..

Dead Men Tell Tales

Dead Men Tell Tales

by Harry Rimmer

In an older generation, especially among the writers of the more lurid types of fiction, it was an accepted axiom that “Dead men tell no tales!” But this was before the great era of modern archeology had impressed its findings on the general public, and indeed before most of those discoveries had been made.The author is especially grateful for the ..

Jenny -  A Village Idyl

Jenny - A Village Idyl

by M. A. Curtois

THE chimes of the cathedral had just announced the hour of six when the train left the station, and passing the tall chimneys which were overshadowed by the cathedral towers steamed out into the country beyond the town.The July day was sinking into evening, an evening light that was soft and mellow in spite of the line of stormcloud above the cathe..

Daffydowndilly and the Golden Touch

Daffydowndilly and the Golden Touch

by Alpha Banta Benson

There was once a king who was very rich. His name was Midas. King Midas loved gold better than anything else in the world. There was nothing he loved half so well except his little daughter, Marygold. He thought, foolish man, that the way to show this love, was to get for her as much gold as he could.Down deep under his castle, was a small, dark ro..

Inside the Russian Revolution

Inside the Russian Revolution

by Rheta Childe Dorr

Early in May, 1917, I went to Russia, eager to see again, in the hour of her deliverance, a country in whose struggle for freedom I had, for a dozen years, been deeply interested. I went to Russia a socialist by conviction, an ardent sympathizer with revolution, having known personally some of the brave men and women who suffered imprisonment and e..

That Marvel—The Movie

That Marvel—The Movie

by Edward S. Van Zile

To grasp the past progress, the present significance and the future possibilities of the motion picture; to express them with restraint and yet with clarity; and to impress the mind of any reader with the logic, as well as with the sincerity, of his viewpoint: these are a few of the qualities in this book which make it interesting and important. Mr..

The Charterhouse of Parma, Volume 1

The Charterhouse of Parma, Volume 1

by Stendhal

In our day, literature quite evidently presents three aspects; and, so far from being a symptom of decadence, this triplicity, to use an expression coined by M. Cousin in his dislike of the word trinity, seems to me a natural enough effect of the abundance of literary talent: it is a tribute to the nineteenth century, which does not offer one sole ..