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by Arthur Hugh Clough

A collection of poems written by Poems.It was but some few nights agoI wandered down this quiet lane;I pray that I may never knowThe feelings then I felt, again.The leaves were shining all about,You might almost have seen them springing;I heard the cuckoo’s simple shout,And all the little birds were singing.It was not dull, the air was clear,A..

Tiberius the Tyrant

Tiberius the Tyrant

by J. C. Tarver

The contemporary history of the years during which the Roman Empire took organic form is written in terms which tend to disguise the real significance of the change; our attention is attracted almost exclusively to the internal politics of the city of Rome; it is withdrawn from the politics of the Empire; the long struggle which ended by giving the..

Williwaw -  A Novel

Williwaw - A Novel

by Gore Vidal

Williwaw is the Indian word for a big wind peculiar to the Aleutian islands and the Alaskan coast. It is a strong wind that sweeps suddenly down from the mountains toward the sea. The word williwaw, however, is now generally used to describe any big and sudden wind. It is in this last and more colloquial sense that I have used the term.Someone turn..

Gleanings from the Note-book of a Field Geologist

Gleanings from the Note-book of a Field Geologist

by Sir Archibald Geikie

The present Volume has been written among the rocks which it seeks to describe, during the intervals of leisure of a field-geologist. Its composition has been carried on by snatches, often short and far apart, some of the descriptions having been jotted down on the spot by streamlet and hill-side, or in the quiet of old quarries; others, again, in ..

Martyr's Flight

Martyr's Flight

by Hank Searls

Twenty-five thousand miles away, half of the western hemisphere shone through the murky earth-haze, the other half still in darkness. Through force of habit he oriented himself by looking at the center of the half-darkened sphere; there lay the Galapagos Islands. Then he traced the outline of the West Coast to Baja California and thence to where he..

Not in the Script

Not in the Script

by Arnold Marmor

Colen Shratt studied his image in the silver-framed mirror. His mustache was neatly clipped, his face clean shaven and well talcumed. His captain's uniform—light blue—was pressed and looked as if it had just been bought. He was fastidious in everything he did.The captain dialled a number, said into the mouthpiece: "General?... Shratt. I'm at Barnes..

Salted For a Million

Salted For a Million

by Nicholas Carter

The great detective had been out West on a puzzling case in which he had to run to earth a combination of Montana swindlers. Nick and his chief assistant had done splendid work, but there were still two members of the swindling gang to be accounted for. Well, the truth is I have just come from an interview with a man who is trying to get back his s..

Sun Tzŭ on the Art of War -  The Oldest Military Treatise in the World

Sun Tzŭ on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World

by Lionel Giles

The seventh volume of “Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c., des Chinois” is devoted to the Art of War, and contains, amongst other treatises, “Les Treize Articles de Sun-tse,” translated from the Chinese by a Jesuit Father, Joseph Amiot. Père Amiot appears to have enjoyed no small reputation as a s..