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Annette and Sylvie

Annette and Sylvie

by Romain Rolland

Upon the threshold of a new journey which, without being as long as that of "Jean-Christophe," will include more than one stage, I would remind my readers of the friendly prayer which I addressed to them at a turning-point in the story of my musician. At the commencement of Revolt, I admonished them to consider each volume as one chapter of a movin..

Mammoth Hot Springs Area

Mammoth Hot Springs Area

by Anonymous

The Mammoth Terraces and Hot Springs were officially discovered by a U.S. Geological Survey party led by Dr. Ferdinand Hayden in 1871. However, some local knowledge of the Hot Spring Terraces and their activity had existed previous to that time.The Mammoth Hot Springs have interested people since the establishment of Yellowstone National Park, not ..

The Gift of Black Folk

The Gift of Black Folk

by W. E. B. Du Bois

It is not uncommon for casual thinkers to assume that the United States of America is practically a continuation of English nationality. Our speech is English and the English played so large a part in our beginnings that it is easy to fall more or less consciously into the thought that the history of this nation has been but a continuation and deve..

Welcome to Paradise

Welcome to Paradise

by Allyn Donnelson

Well, the way the work is supposed to be scheduled, my welding job is the first thing after it comes off the presses, just before the little coils are put in. So the foreman comes over to me one night—it was October 10, the last day of the World Series—and shows me one of the covers after it's been wired up. One of the welds has come loose—maybe be..

A guide book of art, architecture, and historic interests in Pennsylvania

A guide book of art, architecture, and historic interests in Pennsylvania

by A. Margaretta Archambault

This Guide Book of Art, Architecture, and Historic Interests in Pennsylvania, commenced by advice of Mrs. Edward Biddle of Carlisle, and fostered by Mrs. Samuel Semple of Titusville, during their presidency of the “State Federation of Pennsylvania Women,” for the use of tourists, is arranged chronologically, beginning with the counties first formed..

Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology

Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology

by William Whewell

The examination of the material world brings before us a number of things and relations of things which suggest to most minds the belief of a creating and presiding Intelligence. And this impression, which arises with the most vague and superficial consideration of the objects by which we are surrounded, is, we conceive, confirmed and expanded by a..

Our Nuclear Future

Our Nuclear Future

by Edward Teller

This book has been written for the layman who has no knowledge about atoms, bombs and radioactivity. He knows that the world is made of atoms, that bombs might destroy it and that radioactivity could make it a place much less agreeable to live in. We should like to give some advice about the use of the book: Each chapter can be read by itself...

Samantha Among the Colored Folks

Samantha Among the Colored Folks

by Marietta Holley

Josiah squirmed—I see he did, he squirmed hard, though he is a good Christian man. He wuz afraid the cream biscuit would be spilte by the delay; they are his favorites, and though I am fur from bein’ the one that ought to speak of it, my biscuit are called delicious. And though I hate to say it, hate to show any onwillingness to be blessed to ..