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Australasia Triumphant!

Australasia Triumphant!

by A. St. John Adcock

It is too soon to attempt the telling at large and in detail of all that has been done by Australia and New Zealand in the Great War. There is much that has, for military reasons, not yet been revealed; and what has been told has come to us from various sources in more or less fragmentary fashion, so that one must read several accounts of the same ..

Meadowlark Basin

Meadowlark Basin

by B. M. Bower

On the brow of the hill the horse Lark was riding stepped aside from the trail, walked to the very edge of the rim and stood there, gravely looking down into the valley. Where he stood the young grass was cut and crushed into the loose soil with shod hoofprints closely intermingled, proof that the slight detour was a matter of habit born of many pa..

Ancient history from the monuments -  Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

Ancient history from the monuments - Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

by W. S. W. Vaux

Before we proceed to give a somewhat detailed account of the more important cities of Asia Minor, and of the islands adjacent to its west and southern shores, we may mention that Asia Minor, as it lies on the map, exhibits, in its contour, a remarkable resemblance to Spain. Extending between N. Lat. 36° and 42°, and E. Long. 26° and 40°, it is abou..

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

In this little book I want to tell you something about the common butterflies and moths which you may find in almost all parts of the country. But, first of all, I think that perhaps I had better say something about what we generally call their “life-history.”Of course you know that butterflies and moths are not butterflies and moths to begin with...

Mr. Clutterbuck's Election

Mr. Clutterbuck's Election

by Hilaire Belloc

Towards the end of the late Queen Victoria's reign there resided in the suburban town of Croydon a gentleman of the name of Clutterbuck, who, upon a modest capital inherited from his father, contrived by various negotiations at his office in the City of London to gain an income of now some seven hundred, now more nearly a thousand, pounds in the ye..

Penmanship -  Teaching and Supervision

Penmanship - Teaching and Supervision

by Leta Severance Hiles

Reading, writing, and arithmetic have for long been looked upon as the fundamentals in education. And in very truth they are. Altogether too little attention has been given the expression of thought involved in the study of any school subject whether such expression takes the form of oral or written language. In fact, many failures in school and mi..

Polio -  Infantile Paralysis

Polio - Infantile Paralysis

by Anonymous

When polio strikes some child in a community, it is only natural for all parents in that community to become concerned about their own children. It is well to keep in mind, however, that even during an epidemic the number of persons who get the disease is very small in comparison with the total population. For example, approximately 45,000 cases we..

The Sea-Shore, Shown to the Children

The Sea-Shore, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

This book is intended to help little boys and girls to use their eyes. The world is full of beautiful sights and wonderful creatures; and some of the most beautiful and wonderful of all are to be seen on the sea-shore. So I have tried to tell boys and girls, who are fortunate enough to visit the sea-side, what they ought to look for, and where they..