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The Whole Truth and Nothing But

The Whole Truth and Nothing But

by Hedda Hopper

I knew Elizabeth Taylor was about to dump Eddie Fisher in favor of Richard Burton soon after Cleopatra started filming in Rome. Because in forty years in Hollywood I’ve told the truth—though sometimes only in part for the sake of shielding someone or other—I wrote the story. This was in February 1962, one week before the news burst like a bomb on t..

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

by Russ Winterbotham

Commander Al Andrews had closed and locked the energy-proof, neutralizing bulkheads against the creeping red glow that infected one quadrant of his circular space ship. Now he stood in the Control Center, in the mid-section of the revolving wagon-wheel ship, looking at Oakey Matthews.There had been times aboard this ship when a whole crew had been ..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 372, February 12, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 372, February 12, 1887

by Various Authors

Those who would follow the story of the dark days in the Temple, can do so best by the perusal of the record left by Madame Royale herself. Written with an almost naive simplicity, it is touching in the highest degree, while incidentally it affords graphic pictures of the various members of the royal family.Here, for instance, is Marie Antoinette s..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 373, February 19, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 373, February 19, 1887

by Various Authors

A little attack like that which I have mentioned is best got rid of by confinement for a day or two to the house, on a sofa, in an easy chair, but not in bed if possible, by diet of an easily-digested and nourishing kind, by a mild aperient and warm bath at bedtime, with, if it be deemed needful, about ten grains of Dover’s powder, while before bei..

Fish Fry

Fish Fry

by Arnold Marmor

Off Key West in the Florida Strait, with the bucking of the motor launch under the seat of my pants, and a rod and reel in my hands, I could relax. I mean really relax. Sometimes a cool current from the Gulf of Mexico would engulf me and it would be like something a man dreams about. Alone, under a blue sky, with one's thoughts. And then the though..

Historical record of the Thirteenth, First Somerset

Historical record of the Thirteenth, First Somerset

by Richard Cannon

The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted.Nothing can more full..

The Frightful Ones

The Frightful Ones

by Richard Maples

It had been drummed into him ever since the landing and explosion of the rockets. He'd been very little then and it was hard to understand. But they'd explained it carefully—over and over again.The rockets were a test. They'd been fired by beings on another planet. Some day the beings themselves would come to invade. He'd often thought about it—esp..

The Missing Disclaimer

The Missing Disclaimer

by Samuel J. Sackett

K-17 removed a copy of Atomic Science Stories from the newsstand and went up to his hotel room. He sat down to read it. He had been attracted by the picture of the space ship on the cover, because it reminded him very much of the one in which he had come to Earth from Rigel IV. And then, when he looked closer at it, he discovered that the four-tent..