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The Minor Horrors of War

The Minor Horrors of War


The contents of this little book hardly justify its title. There are whole ranges of ‘Minor Horrors of War’ left untouched in the following chapters. The minor poets, the pamphlets of the professors, the people who write to the papers about ‘Kultur’ and think that this is the German for Matthew Arnold’s over-worked word ‘Culture,’ the half-hysteric..

Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899

Blackie's Books for Young People, Catalogue - 1899

by Blackie & Son

With Frederick the Great: A Tale of the Seven Years’ War. By G. A. Henty. With 12 page Illustrations by Wal Paget, and Maps. 6s.“The story is one of Mr. Henty’s best, and so cleverly is history interwoven with fiction that the boy who reads it will know as much about the Seven Years’ War as many an adult student of Carlyle’s masterpiece.”—Standard...

The Aab

The Aab

by Edward W. Ludwig

The cool Martian wind crept across the rust-red expanse of desert. Occasionally its soft touch stirred the thorny leaves of Devil's Eggs—the squat black plants which peppered the silent monotony. Here and there a wisp of sand spiraled upward into the bright, thin morning. The wind felt clean and new on Monk O'Hara's coarse, blond-stubbled face. He ..

The Plymouth Express Affair

The Plymouth Express Affair

by Agatha Christie

Lieutenant Simpson had the carriage to himself. The December air was chilly, and he pulled up the window. Then he sniffed vaguely, and frowned. What a smell there was! Reminded him of that time in hospital, and the operation on his leg. Yes, chloroform; that was it!He let the window down again, changing his seat to one with its back to the engine. ..

The Vegans Were Curious

The Vegans Were Curious

by Winston K. Marks

The little sun was almost a light-year out of his way, and he could have made it on to Sirius without stopping. But the thirst within him was strong. The delicious, yellow sun with its rich corona and tiny, tantalizing streamers was too tempting to pass up. Even before its gravitic currents were strong enough to be of utility, he was decided. He wo..

Wonder Tales from Tibet

Wonder Tales from Tibet

by Eleanore Myers Jewett

The Siddhi-kur is a strange and mysterious creature! He is so old that we cannot even guess at his age, and he has traveled so many leagues from the land that originally produced him that we really do not know how much of him is as he was, and how much of him has been changed by time and place. Dusky little boys and girls in faraway India, long, lo..

Billy Whiskers Out for Fun

Billy Whiskers Out for Fun

by Frances Trego Montgomery

Five hours after this conversation when all good-bys had been said, had you looked you would have seen two splotches of white weaving along in the high grass of the meadow, followed by a yellow splotch and a black splotch. For the long journey to California had begun.They soon crossed the meadow and came out on the railroad track that led to Chicag..

Modern dancing and dancers

Modern dancing and dancers

by J. E. Crawford Flitch

It is not unlikely that when the art historian of the future comes to treat of the artistic activity of the first decade of the twentieth century, he will remark as one of its most notable accomplishments a renaissance of the art of the Dance.That this renaissance is an accomplished fact, is a matter of common knowledge. Within a relatively short p..