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The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1906

The American National Red Cross Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 2, April, 1906

by The American National Red Cross

The second Quarterly Bulletin of the American National Red Cross contains an account of the work of raising funds for the benefit of the Japanese famine sufferers. The Central Committee desires to call attention to the great advantages such an organization as the Red Cross provides at such times. Where the Society had already organized State Branch..

The Book of Gallant Vagabonds

The Book of Gallant Vagabonds

by Henry Beston

There are times when everyone wants to be a vagabond, and go down the road to adventure, strange peoples, the mountains, and the sea. The bonds of convention, however, are many and strong, and only a few ever break them and go. In this book I have gathered together the strange and romantic lives of actual wanderers who did what so many have wished ..

The corsair  -  a romantic legend of Hell Gate

The corsair - a romantic legend of Hell Gate

by Anonymous

As we have invited the reader to a long Poem, we feel some misgiving in setting before him a lengthy Preface. We will therefore bring to his attention, as an Appendix, the matter intended as an Introduction, thus leaving him free to begin with the Story of the Corsair at once, while the former may afterward be read with advantage, should he feel in..

The Dog's Medical Dictionary

The Dog's Medical Dictionary

by Alfred Joseph Sewell

The best way to administer chloroform is by one of Krohne & Sesemann’s inhalers. When this is used, it is almost impossible to have any bad results, as the chloroform is given so slowly. Failing one of these appliances, it may be given on a napkin folded so as to make a pouch in which the nose should be put; but it is necessary to muzzle the do..



by Eugène Sue

A strange chance put me in possession of this journal. I had established myself for several months in a central city in one of our southern departments, whose shore is bathed by the Mediterranean, and I was desirous of purchasing a country place in that marvellously picturesque land. I had already looked at several pieces of property when, one day,..

Like Another Helen

Like Another Helen

by Sydney C. Grier

The hour so long dreaded is at length almost arrived, my Amelia, and your Sylvia weeps to remember that this is her last night on British soil. To-morrow, in the company of strangers, she leaves the only home she has ever known, her native land and all its dear inhabitants—and who is the best beloved of them, her sweet girl knows well—for an unfami..

Prison Life in the Old Capitol and Reminiscences of the Civil War

Prison Life in the Old Capitol and Reminiscences of the Civil War

by James J. Williamson

The little episode in relation to the Fairfax Court House raid will need no apology for its introduction, as I have already had occasion to refer to that affair in my diary. It is not my intention in my prison diary to discuss the constitutional or legal question of arbitrary arrests and imprisonment of non-combatants, but to present to my readers ..

The Book Collector

The Book Collector

by Charles Nodier

The accompanying essay by Charles Nodier, 1780–1844, Librarian of the Arsenal in Paris, bibliographer, bibliophile, and a literary leader of the Romantic Movement, originally appeared in French under the title “L’Amateur des Livres,” in Les Français Peints par Eux-mêmes, Paris, 1841, Vol. III, pp 201–9. It seemed to me excellent, and so agreeably o..