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Canada; its Defences, Condition, and Resources

Canada; its Defences, Condition, and Resources

by William Howard Russell

I began to write this book by way of sequel to “My Diary North and South,” with the intention of describing Canada as I saw it at the close of my visit to North America, but the subject grew upon me as I went on, and at last I discarded much personal detail, and set to work with the view of calling attention to the capabilities of the vast regions ..

Illustrations of the Author of Waverley

Illustrations of the Author of Waverley

by Robert Chambers

When the Highlanders, upon the morning of the battle of Prestonpans, made their memorable attack, a battery of four field-pieces was stormed and carried by the Camerons and Stuarts of Appine. The late Alexander Stuart of Invernahyle was one of the foremost in the charge, and observed an officer of the king’s forces, who, scorning to join the flight..

The Boy and the Baron

The Boy and the Baron

by Adeline Knapp

One sunny forenoon in the month of May, something over six hundred years ago, some children were playing under the oak-trees that grew in little companies here and there in a pleasant meadow on a high plateau. This meadow was part of a great table-land overlooking a wide stretch of country. It was hedged along the west with white-thorn, setting it ..

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 09

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 09

by Ambrose Bierce

A German physician of some note once gave it out as his solemn conviction that civilized man is gradually but surely losing the sense of smell through disuse. It is a fact that we have noses less keen than the savages; which is well for us, for we have a dozen “well-defined and several” bad odors to their one. It is possible, indeed, that it is to ..

The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cure

The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cure

by Paul Bousfield

Many people, while not considering themselves as suffering from any nervous ailment, nor desiring the services of a physician, are yet far from being perfectly happy in their mental outlook and temperament. Either their feelings are too easily roused, or they are inclined to worry, to be depressed, irritable, nervous, or over-sensitive. Trifles whi..

The River Boss

The River Boss

by Stewart Edward White

Jimmy was such a river boss. Therefore when Mr. Daly, of the firm of Morrison & Daly, unexpectedly found himself contracted to deliver 5,000,000 feet of logs at a certain date, and the logs an impossible number of miles up-stream, he called in Jimmy.Jimmy was a small man, changeless as the Egyptian Sphinx. A number of years ago a French comic j..

With Sword and Crucifix

With Sword and Crucifix

by Edward S. Van Zile

With Sword and Crucifix: Being an Account of the Strange Adventures of Count Louis Sancerre, Companion of Sieur LaSalle, on the Lower Mississippi, in the Year of Grace 1682.The speaker, Louis de Sancerre, of Languedoc, descendant of a famous constable of France, leaned against a tree near the shore of a majestic river, and musingly watched the moon..

Yellow Butterflies

Yellow Butterflies

by Mary S Andrews

Throughout this story there are sentences and paragraphs quoted, taken bodily from a press account of the coming of the American Unknown Soldier. If other sentences or phrases occur for which proper credit has not been given, it is because the story-teller’s mind was so saturated with the beauty of this account that its wording seemed the inevitabl..