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Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes

Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes

by W. D. Westervelt

However doctors may differ concerning the way that our earth came into being, most of them agree that in its early days meteoric bodies from space flew together and produced a hotter globe than at present. Perhaps its surface was all covered with vast circular lakes of lava such as our telescopes reveal in great perfection, ring upon ring, over the..

Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa

Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa

by F. G. Speck

A few fairly typical Algonquin myths relating the exploits of Wiske·djak were taken down in the summer of 1913 from Benjamin Mackenzie of the Timiskaming band. He had learned them when a young man from Algonquins near Dumoine lake1 at the head of Dumoine river. These versions are also current at Timiskaming, as I found by testing a few incidents wi..

Observations on Abortion

Observations on Abortion

by John Burns

By abortion is generally understood the expulsion of the contents of the gravid uterus, at a period of gestation so early as to render it impossible for the fœtus to live. It is an accident or disease which is very frequent in its occurrence, which is always attended with disagreeable circumstances, and which, although it seldom prove immediately f..

The Bagpipers

The Bagpipers

by George Sand

If I were to tell you in my language and yours certain things which you have heard and understood in theirs, you would find those very things so unlike what is natural to these people that you would accuse me of unconsciously putting something of my own into the relation, and of attributing to the peasantry reflections and feelings which they could..

The Curtiss Aviation Book

The Curtiss Aviation Book

by Glenn Curtiss

The time has come when the world is going to need a new type of men–almost a new race. These are the Flying Men. The great dream of centuries has come true, and man now has the key to the sky. Every great invention which affects the habits and customs of a people brings about changes in the people themselves. How great, then, must be the changes to..

The Moon -  A Popular Treatise

The Moon - A Popular Treatise

by Garrett Putman Serviss

The reader familiar with astronomical literature will doubtless remark a certain resemblance between the plan on which this book is written and that of Fontenelle’s “Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds,” a French classic of the eighteenth century. The author freely acknowledges that it was the recollection of the pleasure which the reading of ..

A Tragic Idyl

A Tragic Idyl

by Paul Bourget

Neither these princes nor their neighbors noticed the presence at one of the tables of a man who had borne the title of King in one of the states improvised on the Balkan Peninsula. Men had fought for this man, men had died for him, but his royal interests seemed now to be restricted to the pasteboard monarchs on the table of trente-et-quarante. An..

Labour and the Popular Welfare

Labour and the Popular Welfare

by W. H. Mallock

The landed rental of the country is given by me as something under a hundred million pounds. It has been asserted that were the ground-rents in towns properly estimated, the true rental would be found to be a hundred and fifty million pounds or a hundred and eighty million pounds. It is no doubt difficult to differentiate in town properties the tot..