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Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber Crews

Survival at Altitude for Heavy and Very Heavy Bomber Crews

by Anonymous

These notes were originally intended as a source of general reference concerning OXYGEN EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE by members of crews of the B-17 and B-24 heavy bomber. As a member of a heavy bomber team, in combat you will be living and fighting in a world where man has no business--from three to six miles above the environment for which nature design..

The Highlanders of Glen Ora

The Highlanders of Glen Ora

by James Grant

The hills of the Western Highlands were still tipped with a golden gleam, but the deep and savage hollows of Glen Ora were gloomy and full of dark shadows. Still crowned with the snow of last winter, above it towered Ben Ora, beneath whose mighty scalp the giant peaks of the north and west were dwindled down to little hills; for among those stupend..

The Lake Regions of Central Africa -  A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 1

by Richard F. Burton

Modern “hinters to travellers” direct the explorer and the missionary to eschew theory and opinion. We are told somewhat peremptorily that it is our duty to gather actualities not inferences—to see and not to think, in fact, to confine ourselves to transmitting the rough material collected by us, that it may be worked into shape by the professional..

Automatic finger control

Automatic finger control

by Anonymous

A Scientific Method that gets at the very foundation of Musical Skill. Discloses fully the secrets that make it possible to learn to play any instrument easily and quickly. Taught only by the U. S. School of Music. For beginners and advanced pupils. Can be used in conjunction with any method of instrumental instruction.There are fifty-nine muscles ..

In Caverns Below

In Caverns Below

by Stanton A. Coblentz

It is now five years since Philip Clay and I were given up by the world as lost, five years since we plunged into that appalling adventure from which, even today, we have barely begun to recover. During nine tenths of that time, we dwelt far from the sight of our fellow men in a remote and incredible land of wizardry and terror; we made discoveries..

The Lake Regions of Central Africa -  A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 2

The Lake Regions of Central Africa - A Picture of Exploration, Vol. 2

by Richard F. Burton

There is the evidence of barbarous tradition for a belief in the existence of Unyamwezi as a great empire, united under a single despot. The elders declare that their patriarchal ancestor became after death the first tree, and afforded shade to his children and descendants. According to the Arabs the people still perform pilgrimage to a holy tree, ..

The Strange Adventures of a Pebble

The Strange Adventures of a Pebble

by Hallam Hawksworth

The purpose of this little book is to present the chief features in the strange story of the pebbles; and so of the larger pebble we call the earth. It is hoped that readers of various ages will be entertained, without suspecting that they are being taught. Several things led the author to believe that such a book might be wanted.(a) The circumstan..

Fifty Great Cartoons

Fifty Great Cartoons

by Frank Beard

Charles Wesley once said, “There is no reason why the devil should have all of the best tunes,” and it is equally hard to conceive why he should have all of the best pictures. There is probably no phase of art which Satan has tried harder to control than that of painting. He has sought to corrupt literature, music and oratory, but even if he meets ..