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The Sorrows of Young Werther

The Sorrows of Young Werther

by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Sorrows of Young Werther is written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer and politician, who attained fame of International celebrity at the age of 24, immediately after publication of this work. This autobiographical novel was instrumental in Romantic literary movement of German literature.   This novel is an epistolary and co..

The Outline of Science -  Vol.1

The Outline of Science - Vol.1

by J. Arthur Thomson

The Outline of Science is written by John Arthur Thomson, a Scottish naturalist and an expert on softcorals. The purpose and targeted audience of this book has been very clearly mentioned in its introductory. While science has influenced human life in every aspects, not all human beings understand them, though it affects them directly or indirec..

How to Solve Conundrums

How to Solve Conundrums

by Anonymous

A complete guide to solve riddles titled “How to Solve Conundrums”, is leisure read if you are puzzle lover.  Written by anonymous author, this book contains witty sayings such as “Why is Great Britain like Palestine? Because it’s the Holy Land”, “What is the difference between the earth and the sea? One is dirty, the other tidy“ etc...

The Whitehouse Cookbook

The Whitehouse Cookbook

by Mrs. F.L. Gillette

The Whitehouse Cookbook is co-authored by F.L. Gillette and Hugo Ziemann. Hugo Ziemann has the credibility such as serving as caterer to Prince Napoleon, Steward of the famous Hotel Splendide in Paris, Brunswick Café in New York and the Hotel Richelieu, in Chicago.  F.L. Gillette has the credibility of serving practical needs of average Americ..

Lameness of the Horse

Lameness of the Horse

by John Victor Lacroix

Lameness of the Horse is written is a book of the Veterinary Practitioners Series written by John Victor Lacroix, Professor of Surgery who has written many books Veterinary science including "Animal Castration". This book provides a detailed study of Lameness, a symptom which affects many animals including horses. Lameness classified in two part..

Sex in Education

Sex in Education

by Edward H. Clarke

Sex in Education is written by Edward H. Clarke. This book should not be confused as sex education. The author explores the biased nature of man and the society which does not treat women in equality to men. Women is not inferior to men in anyway neither physiologically nor clinically. Like any other sphere, this biased nature of not treating wo..

Searchlights on Health

Searchlights on Health

by B. G. Jefferis

Searchlights on Health is written by B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols.  This book explores many topics which can be read as a guide for many issues revolves around us. While the core purpose of this book is to educate young men and women right from their birth, education, health, self-control, habit, home power, personal purity, communication ..

Science in the Kitchen

Science in the Kitchen

by E. E. Kellogg

Science in the Kitchen is written by E. E. Kellogg, based on her experience in managing the cuisine of Sanitarium and the Sanitarium Hospital, an institution with 500 – 700 inmates. This book explores the much needed and overseen topic of Healthful cookery. The author mentions in the preface that we must understand that well-selected and scienti..