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Senescence, the Last Half of Life

Senescence, the Last Half of Life

by G. Stanley Hall

In this book I have tried to present the subjects of Old Age and Death from as many viewpoints as possible in order to show how the ignorant and the learned, the child, the adult, and the old, savage and civilized man, pagans and Christians, the ancient and the modern world, the representatives of various sciences, and different individuals have vi..

Siberia To-Day

Siberia To-Day

by Frederick F. Moore

The attitude of mind with which a writer approaches his subject is the core of his book. My purpose in recording my observations and impressions while serving in Siberia is to tell such citizens of the United States as may be interested some of the things they may want to know about the Siberians.Officers of high rank in Siberia, and correspondents..

The Wine Press and the Cellar

The Wine Press and the Cellar

by Emmet Hawkins Rixford

In 1876 the Mission grape sold in California for from $7.50 to $10 per ton, and foreign varieties for from $14 to $18 per ton, and consequently many vineyardists in districts remote from the market turned their hogs into the vineyard to gather the fruit. At this time farmers concluded that it would not pay to grow grapes, and the vines were rooted ..

You Don't Walk Alone

You Don't Walk Alone

by Frank M. Robinson

Which was a laugh, in a way, because while he wouldn't know what I had been doing, I couldn't help but know what he had been doing. And so would you if I told you his right name. You wouldn't have recognized him, of course. He was the inconspicuous type, the sort of man who blended in so well with his background you would have had to hunt to find h..

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

by Bernard de Fontenelle

Whenever I have entered into conversation with any sensible woman on astronomy, I have always found that she had read Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds; and that his book had excited her curiosity on the subject. As it has been so much read already, it must continue to engage attention: I therefore thought it would be useful to point out its faults;..

Cosmic Saboteur

Cosmic Saboteur

by Frank M. Robinson

They jumped him when he was walking past an alley, a couple of blocks from the stockyards on Chicago's brawling South Side. He had gotten off the "El" two stops down because it was a damn fine Spring morning and he liked to walk through the Polish section and watch the city wake up. He was 17 years old and he hadn't grown cynical with the world yet..

Facts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature

Facts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature

by Charles C. Bombaugh

The electrotype plates of a compilation which maintained remarkable popularity for more than thirty years, “Gleanings for the Curious from the Harvest Fields of Literature,” having been destroyed in the fire which wrecked the extensive plant of the J. B. Lippincott Company in November, 1899, the publishers requested the compiler to prepare a compan..



by F. W. Harvey

In spite of all the soulful utterances of people comfortably off, economic independence remains the first condition of happiness. This is not to say that people aren’t great fools for preferring law to literature. It is rather to imply that a poet who can do both is a fool if he does not...