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Legends of Old Honolulu

Legends of Old Honolulu

by W. D. Westervelt

The legends of a people are of interest to the scholar, the thinker, and the poet. The legends tell us of the struggles, the triumphs, and the wanderings of the people, of their thoughts, their aspirations; in short, they give us a twilight history of the race.As the geologist finds in the rocks the dim records of the beginnings of life on our plan..

Revolt of the Outworlds

Revolt of the Outworlds

by Stephen Marlowe

There was a tremendous roar from the crowd as Alan Tremaine climbed the long flight of steps leading to the platform in the center of the plaza. It's really my father they're applauding, Alan Tremaine thought. The elder Tremaine, dead these two weeks, had made the dream of independence a reality for the Outworlds. Then, on the eve of success, he ha..

Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609

Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609

by Bernard Beckerman

From 1599 to 1608 or 1609 the Globe playhouse was the home of the Chamberlain-King’s company and the only theater where it publicly presented its plays in London. The Globe was imitated by Henslowe, the theater magnate, and lauded by Dekker, the playwright. Upon its stage Shakespeare’s major tragedies enjoyed their first performances. Located among..

The Bibliomaniac

The Bibliomaniac

by Charles Nodier

If Nodier belonged by right of his first{10} literary impressions to the classical school, his liberal spirit soon identified itself with that of the romanticists. His face, full of genial originality, bore the characteristics of a man living between two literary epochs; but history little by little soon effaced all these tints and shades. Nodier w..

The Heart's Domain

The Heart's Domain

by Georges Duhamel

I am beginning a book with what sounds like a very ambitious title. I wish to say at once that I have no qualifications to discuss political, historical or economic matters. I leave to the scholars who are versed in these redoubtable questions the task of explaining, skilfully and definitely, the great misery that has befallen our time.I thus at th..

The Heir of Mondolfo

The Heir of Mondolfo

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

In the beautiful and wild country near Sorrento, in the Kingdom of Naples, at the time it was governed by monarchs of the house of Anjou, there lived a territorial noble, whose wealth and power overbalanced that of the neighboring nobles. His castle, itself a stronghold, was built on a rocky eminence, toppling over the blue and lovely Mediterranean..

The Ivory King

The Ivory King

by Charles Frederick Holder

The elephant is the true king of beasts, the largest and most powerful of existing land animals, and to young and old a never ceasing source of wonder and interest. In former geological ages, it roamed the continental areas of every zone; was found in nearly every section of North America, from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, ..

The Prince of the Captivity -  The Epilogue to a Romance

The Prince of the Captivity - The Epilogue to a Romance

by Sydney C. Grier

There were only a few passengers by the South Wales Express, and to one young man in a first-class carriage the fact was very welcome. He had bought a paper almost unconsciously from the boy who came to the window, but it did him good service as a shield, from behind which he could cast suspicious and hostile glances, after the manner of the travel..