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The Red Man's Rebuke

The Red Man's Rebuke

by Simon Pokagon

My object in publishing the “Red Man’s Rebuke” on the bark of the white birch tree, is out of loyalty to my own people, and gratitude to the Great Spirit, who in his wisdom provided for our use for untold generations, this most remarkable tree with manifold bark used by us instead of paper, being of greater value to us as it could not be injured by..

The Terror Out of Space

The Terror Out of Space

by Dwight V. Swain

The night closed in upon him—the night, and the narrow street; the alien sounds and smells and stir of Gandor City. A cadet from the Federation fleet pushed past him, a moss-furred Callistan crustach perched on his shoulder. Behind the cadet came two spask-masked berlon prospectors, up from the Hertzog fields, leading their lumbering flipper-tentac..

The Traitors of the Tropics

The Traitors of the Tropics

by Nicholas Carter

Nick Carter went back to the sick room and gazed thoughtfully at the flushed face and tossing head on the pillow. As he looked, a thought revolved in his mind which he admitted to be audacious, but which would not be banished, no matter how outrageous it might seem.“What do doctors know about affairs of state?” suddenly burst from the injured man’s..

Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property

Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property

by Milivoy Stoyan Stanoyevich

Assuming that our society may exist without positive laws it could also exist without money. The Russian reformer, Leo N. Tolstoy, is consistent with his doctrine of social reform. According to him enacted law is violence, private property is evil, and subsequently “money as a centre around which economic science clusters” cannot be anything else, ..

Child Life and Sex Hygiene -  A Remarkable Message

Child Life and Sex Hygiene - A Remarkable Message

by Otterbein O. Smith

Sending this little book out into the world is like sending out one of my children, for as they came from my heart, so has it. My heart has ached for my children as it has been necessary for them to go out and meet the buffetings of an unsympathetic world and so aches it for this little fledgling. But still I have a hope that the world will not be ..

The History of Philosophy in Islam

The History of Philosophy in Islam

by T. J. de Boer

The following is the first attempt which has been made, since the appearance of Munk’s excellent sketch, to present in connected form a History of Philosophy in Islam. This work of mine may therefore be regarded as a fresh initiation,—not a completion of such a task. I could not know of all that had been done by others, in the way of preliminary st..

Flight Perilous!

Flight Perilous!

by Ray C. Noll

Phil Bleck was the one fishing for an impressive opening. He moved forward to face the ship commander with hands pressed on his hips defiantly. This was the Phil Bleck, young man genius of United Nuclear, pressured aboard Marship III as nuclear engineer through a couple of Senators and the Secretary of Defense. Oh, he was good, as long as he wasn't..

Hunting License

Hunting License

by James V. McConnell

Karsten walked over to the center of the little forest clearing where they had built the fire. "Might as well have a cup, I guess," he said. His face, furrowed with deep lines that had taken half a life-time to create, wore a slight frown. "But I wish that Emmett would get back. What's the sense of hiring a hunting guide if he's not around to take ..