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Export Commodity

Export Commodity

by Irving E. Cox

Three of the hairless bipeds stood in front of the frame building talking. Concealed by the brush beyond the road, Henig studied them carefully. These were the dominant species on this primitive world, unspeakably grotesque things. The pale, white skinned animals had a culture of sorts—their language, their buildings, their wheeled vehicles testifi..

Practical Agitation

Practical Agitation

by John Jay Chapman

This book is an attempt to follow the track of personal influence across society. The first three chapters are taken up with discussions of political reform, the fourth chapter with contemporary journalism. The results of these discussions are then summarized in the chapters called “Principles.”I know that there are as many ways of stating the main..

Problem Planet

Problem Planet

by R. R. Winterbotham

Quibblers may shove dictionaries in my face till the end of the universe and I will always maintain that almost anything you can name is a matter of good luck or bad. Every great man owes his success to luck of some sort. What made him great is what he did with his luck after he got it.Had I been born eleven years before Senator Clive Littlebrook, ..

Sarah of the Sahara -  A Romance of Nomads Land

Sarah of the Sahara - A Romance of Nomads Land

by George S. Chappell

My arrival in Cannes had been meaningless, the chance debarkation of a wanderer in search of rest after arduous voyaging in the far North, the aimless pursuit of warmth, comfort and sunshine. I had intended, as far as my formless plans had any intention, stopping over the night at Cannes, then pushing on to the various Mediterranean ports, through ..

Short Story-Writing -  An Art or a Trade?

Short Story-Writing - An Art or a Trade?

by N. Bryllion Fagin

Moods may be uncomfortable, and sad, and painfully disturbing, but, on the other hand, they make pleasant music occasionally. Here I sit in the dusk, looking out into the street that is ordinarily so familiar to me, but has suddenly become blurred and weirdly mysterious in the gathering murk. A veil is over my eyes, which see the familiar houses ac..

Story of the automobile -  Its history and development from 1760 to 1917

Story of the automobile - Its history and development from 1760 to 1917

by H. L. Barber

This book, the “Story of the Automobile,” shows the struggle of man for one hundred and fifty years to devise a means of propelling a vehicle without animal power.It describes the various stages of the evolution of the idea of motive force other than animal power, in France, England, Germany and the United States, and its triumphant culmination in ..

The Boy's King Arthur

The Boy's King Arthur

by Sir Thomas Malory

It befell in the days of the noble Utherpendragon, when he was King of England, [that there was born to him a son who in after time was King Arthur. Howbeit the boy knew not he was the king's son. For when he was but a babe] the king commanded two knights and two ladies to take the child bound in rich cloth of gold, "and deliver him to what poor ma..

The Last Duchess of Belgarde

The Last Duchess of Belgarde

by Molly Elliot Seawell

In the great, green old garden of Madame, the Countess of Floramour, sat her granddaughter, little Mademoiselle Trimousette, wondering when she was to be married and to whom. Such an enterprise was afoot, and even then being arranged, but nobody, so far, had condescended to give Trimousette any of the particulars. She was stitching demurely at her ..