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After the Manner of Men

After the Manner of Men

by Francis Lynde

Coincident with a miniature thunderclap shattering the summer afternoon silence of the mountain forest a bullet whipped through the foliage, leaving a half-severed twig to flutter and dangle within easy arm’s reach. Tregarvon had never before been under fire, and he was a product of twentieth-century civilization and the cities. Yet his colonial an..



by Alexandre Dumas

Victor Hugo dared to puncture the "legend," when, in the play of "Le Roi s'Amuse," he represented the "knightly king" as being enticed to a low water-side hovel by the charms of a girl of the street; but even the government of the Citizen King, Louis-Philippe, could not brook such an attack upon the "divinity that doth hedge a king," and, after the..

Fiander's Widow -  A Novel

Fiander's Widow - A Novel

by M. E. Francis

The sale was over: live stock, implements, corn and hay, turnips and potatoes, even apples, had duly been entered to their various buyers; and now such smaller articles as milk-pails, cheese-tubs, cream-tins, weights and scales, and other items of a dairy-farmer’s gear were passing under the hammer.  The auction had been well attended, for it ..

The Cat's Paw

The Cat's Paw

by Natalie Sumner Lincoln

Miss Susan Baird let her gaze rest on her companion in speculative silence. Apparently, her last jibe had failed of its mark, judging from the man’s unchanged expression. With a vexed sigh she proceeded to pour out another cup of tea.They were an oddly matched pair. Miss Baird, still erect in spite of her seventy years, her small slight figure tuck..

The Game of Go -  The National Game of Japan

The Game of Go - The National Game of Japan

by Arthur Smith

This book is intended as a practical guide to the game of Go. It is especially designed to assist students of the game who have acquired a smattering of it in some way and who wish to investigate it further at their leisure.The game of Go belongs to the class of games of which our Chess, though very dissimilar, is an example. It is played on a boar..

The Golden Chimney -  A Boy's Mine

The Golden Chimney - A Boy's Mine

by Elizabeth Gerberding

Ben Ralston and his cousin Beth were sitting on the northern slope of Russian Hill, one of the many hills of San Francisco. At the foot of the elevation the black buildings and smokeless chimney of an abandoned smelting-works rose from the beach which skirted the hill. Beyond, the blue bay sparkled in the sunlight, except where fleeting cloud-shado..

The Road to Bunker Hill

The Road to Bunker Hill

by Shirley Barker

Nothing ever happens in this town,” said Eben Poore, dangling his long legs over the edge of the wharf, and looking down river to the open sea. The sky was pale, almost white above the long sand bar of Plum Island, he noticed, but the streets were growing dark behind him, and twilight had begun to gather round the warehouses and tall-masted ships b..

The Story of Andre Cornelis

The Story of Andre Cornelis

by Paul Bourget

When a child, I went to confession. How often have I wished that I were still the lad who came at five o'clock into the chapel of our school, the cold empty chapel, with its white-washed walls, its benches on which our places were numbered, its harmonium, its Holy Family, its blue ceiling dotted with stars. We were taken to this chapel in tens. Whe..