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The King of the Mamozekel

The King of the Mamozekel

by Charles G. D. Roberts

When the king of the Mamozekel barrens was born, he was one of the most ungainly of all calves,—a moose-calf. In the heart of a tamarack swamp, some leagues south from Nictau Mountain, was a dry little knoll of hardwood and pine undiscovered by the hunters, out of the track of the hunting beasts. Neither lynx, bear, nor panther had tradition of it...

The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic

The Story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic

by Florence Howe Hall

The Battle Hymn of the Republic, “the crimson flower of battle,” bloomed in a single night. It sprang from the very soil of the conflict, in the midst of the Civil War. Yet the plant which produced it was of slow growth, with roots reaching far back into the past.In order to understand how this song of our nation sprang into sudden being we must st..

Fairy Tales for Workers' Children

Fairy Tales for Workers' Children

by Herminia zur Muhlen

The work of translating this little book of fairy tales for workers’ children is very small in comparison to the joy I get from the knowledge that you, my beloved young comrades, are going to enjoy it.You have read many fairy tales, some of them very beautiful and some that frightened you with their horrible giants and goblins. But never, I am sure..

The Tunnel Under the Channel

The Tunnel Under the Channel

by Thomas Whiteside

In the social history of England, the English Channel, that proud sea passage some three hundred and fifty miles long, has separated that country from the Continent as by a great gulf or a bottomless chasm. However, at its narrowest point, between Dover and Cap Gris-Nez—a distance of some twenty-one and a half miles—the Channel, despite any impress..

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales

by Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales with illustrations by William Robinson. The storks tell their young ones ever so many fairy tales, all of them from the fen and the moss. Generally the tales are suited to the youngsters’ age and understanding. The baby birds are pleased if they are told just ‘kribly, krably, plurry-murry!’ which they think wonderful; bu..



by Arthur Hugh Clough

A collection of poems written by Poems.It was but some few nights agoI wandered down this quiet lane;I pray that I may never knowThe feelings then I felt, again.The leaves were shining all about,You might almost have seen them springing;I heard the cuckoo’s simple shout,And all the little birds were singing.It was not dull, the air was clear,A..

Tiberius the Tyrant

Tiberius the Tyrant

by J. C. Tarver

The contemporary history of the years during which the Roman Empire took organic form is written in terms which tend to disguise the real significance of the change; our attention is attracted almost exclusively to the internal politics of the city of Rome; it is withdrawn from the politics of the Empire; the long struggle which ended by giving the..

Williwaw -  A Novel

Williwaw - A Novel

by Gore Vidal

Williwaw is the Indian word for a big wind peculiar to the Aleutian islands and the Alaskan coast. It is a strong wind that sweeps suddenly down from the mountains toward the sea. The word williwaw, however, is now generally used to describe any big and sudden wind. It is in this last and more colloquial sense that I have used the term.Someone turn..