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A Life Unveiled, by a Child of the Drumlins

A Life Unveiled, by a Child of the Drumlins

by Anonymous

I fancy that this “Child of the Drumlins” did not know she was living amid drumlins when she passed her youth there. She knew them only as the long, smooth, loaf-shaped hills that were scattered over her native landscape, upon which she saw cattle grazing and grain ripening, and upon which she roamed and played in the freedom of childhood.These cur..

A Sharper's Downfall

A Sharper's Downfall

by Nicholas Carter

In Thirty-fifth Street, east of Fifth Avenue, there is a house conspicuous among its neighbors in that it differs in construction by being of the variety known as the English basement style. Entrance to the house is secured through a door reached by one or two steps from the pavement. The dining-room of the house is nearly on a level with the stree..

In Kentucky with Daniel Boone

In Kentucky with Daniel Boone

by John T. McIntyre

Along the trail which wound along the banks of the Yadkin, in North Carolina, rode a tall, sinewy man; he had a bronzed, resolute face, wore the hunting shirt, leggins and moccasins of the backwoods, and had hanging from one shoulder a long flint-locked rifle. A small buck, which this unerring weapon of the hunter had lately brought down, lay acros..

The supernatural in early Spanish literature

The supernatural in early Spanish literature

by Frank Callcott

The human mind is always interested in those things that it can not understand; as soon, however, as the problem has been solved it is no longer an absorbing subject of attention. When a sleight-of-hand feat has been explained we turn with renewed zest to something else and revive our former interest only to mystify or amuse some friend. The unsolv..

At Odds with the Regent

At Odds with the Regent

by Burton Egbert Stevenson

Night had already come as I drew my cloak more closely about me and stepped forth into the street. I had lingered long over my meal, as a man will who has been alone all the day and sees little chance of companionship before him. For in all the city I knew no one, and there seemed small prospect of the night bringing any enjoyment with it. I turned..

Loco or Love

Loco or Love

by W. C. Tuttle

Magpie is the sheriff of our county, and I’m his deputy. Me and that scantling-shaped hombre have been pardners ever since gold was discovered on bedrock, and this is the first rift in our lute. Of course there has been discords, but this is the first time that the strings have all been busted!Love cometh at strange times. Me and Magpie have been o..

Pneumonia -  Its Care and Prevention

Pneumonia - Its Care and Prevention

by Anonymous

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. Despite all the progress recently made in the treatment of the disease, it remains among the most common causes of death. Pneumonia is always a serious matter, and should be regarded as an emergency calling for immediate medical care.The inflammation of the lungs may be due to one of a number of different ..

Stop, You're Killing Me!

Stop, You're Killing Me!

by Stephen Marlowe

I got into the car that morning and was thinking of nothing in particular—except maybe the cases I hoped to be getting downtown in my one man private dick office. We live at the top of the city's highest hill, my wife and our son Sam, who's seventeen, and myself. At least it's the highest hill in the residential district and the highest one I know ..