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Upside Down or Backwards

Upside Down or Backwards

by W. C. Tuttle

Magpie’s physique is impressing, unless yuh views him edgeways, when yuh can’t get more’n uh glimpse. He’s six feet several inches tall, wears uh kind look and uh long mustache, and has the ability to let me into more trouble than man is heir to.When we gets nine hundred dollars’ worth uh gold out of our placer mine on Plenty Stone Crick, Magpie ge..

Cactus and Rattlers

Cactus and Rattlers

by H. Bedford-Jones

Sagebrush presented a general vista of whiskers, red nose and nondescript garments, bleached by sun and white with alkali dust; yet it was his proud boast that he was the only man between Death Valley and the big bend of the Colorado who kept abreast of the times. Subscribing to several weekly magazines, he came in once every six months to get the ..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886

by Chambers' Journal

The wonderful improvements which have been effected in modes of communication during the latter part of the present century have resulted in bridging over space, and bringing the dwellers on this planet into closer and more constant intercommunion. Submarine cables, telegraphs, and telephones have each contributed their aid towards the realisation ..

Life of Frances Power Cobbe

Life of Frances Power Cobbe

by Frances Power Cobbe

The story of the beautiful life which came to an end on the 5th of April, 1904, is told by Miss Cobbe herself in the following pages up to the close of 1898. Nothing is left for another pen but to sketch in the events of the few remaining years.But first a word or two as to the origin of the book. One spring day in 1891 or ’92, when Miss Cobbe was ..

Memories and Adventures

Memories and Adventures

by Arthur Conan Doyle

I have a little bundle of my father’s letters written in those days, full of appreciation of the kindness which he met with and full, also, of interesting observations on that Scottish society, rough, hard-drinking and kindly, into which he had been precipitated at a dangerously early age, especially for one with his artistic temperament. He had so..

Motor Camping

Motor Camping

by John Cuthbert Long

Most of us are possessed of the desire to be somewhere else. Since the dawn of history hordes of men have pressed into new countries. Sometimes the expeditions have been in search of food and plunder, but mixed in with these motives has been the human passion for something better, the hope for sunnier scenes lying over the horizon. Hemmed in by the..

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

by Nicholas Carter

Carlin’s name was supposed to be Peter. That had been shortened by his associates to “Pete.” Afterward the final “e” had been clipped off, because of his inoffensive appearance and manner, and he was known as “Pet.” Nick Carter shut off his power, and manipulated the wheel carefully, as he saw that the man in the other boat was recklessly driving s..

Plantation Echoes

Plantation Echoes

by Elliott Blaine Henderson

The music of the American negro, the fresh and spontaneous expression of a good and care-free heart, has long been one of the most pleasing features of American life. It is human nature in its first vocal garb—original and unique, often humorous and always true to the sentiment of the singer. If there ever was an illustration of the close relations..