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The Four-Fingered Glove

The Four-Fingered Glove

by Nicholas Carter

The hands of the clock pointed at half-past five, one beautiful June morning, when Nick Carter, having just finished with his morning exercise and cold plunge, was told that there was a gentleman in the reception-room who wished to see him on matters of the utmost importance, as soon as he was at liberty to descend, and the servant who brought the ..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

by Various Authors

There is no doubt that in this country the present generation is far more luxurious than the one that preceded it. Living is to a great extent a question of habit. At the present moment a Russian soldier is paid at the rate of a shilling a month, and his only ration is rye-bread baked into biscuit, washed down with a draught of water. The British w..

The Kingmakers

The Kingmakers

by Burton Egbert Stevenson

SELDEN, entering from the dining-room, saw that the lounge was crowded, and he paused for a moment to look about him. It was the half-hour between dinner and the Sporting Club, and he was pleasantly aware of the odours of good coffee and super-excellent tobacco, mingled with the delicate and very expensive perfumes rising from the clothes, the hair..

The Velocipede -  Its History, Varieties, and Practice

The Velocipede - Its History, Varieties, and Practice

by J. T. Goddard

When the rumor first came across the water, a few years ago, of that wonderful and fascinating little two-wheeled machine, upon which one could so gracefully annihilate time and space, the author of this little book was seized with his first attack of Velocipede Fever.When, in the spring of 1868, we heard how popular this invention was becoming in ..

Drinks of the World

Drinks of the World

by John Ashton

From the Cradle to the Grave we need Drink, and we have not far to look for the reason, when we consider that at least seventy per cent. of the human body is composed of water, to compensate the perpetual waste of which, a fresh supply is, of course, absolutely necessary. This is taken with our food (all solid nutriment containing some water), and ..

Mystery at Mesa Flat

Mystery at Mesa Flat

by Ivar Jorgensen

Brazier forebore the obvious retort and walked out onto the alkali flat. He stopped in its center and turned slowly, his eyes searching. They found nothing. He went to the edge of the flat and began circling it slowly. In four places there were marks in the dust. The marks formed the four corners of a huge square. Something might have set down ther..

Planet of Doom

Planet of Doom

by C. H. Thames

The docks were crowded, littered with the worldly belongings of a few score Mandmoorans who had changed their mind and had paddled over from the island. A squad of soldiers was busy processing them and the Mandmoorans, big muscular purple-skinned men with shocks of stiff lemon-yellow hair and smaller women, brittle-looking women with strange, wasp-..

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

by A. E. Holt White

To a detailed description of the Lepidoptera of Teneriffe, so far as they are at present known, an introductory chapter has been added, for the benefit of novices in the study and collection of butterflies and moths. Those, for whom fresh air and a certain amount of exercise are essential, can hardly find any more health-giving or light interesting..