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The Law of Hotel Life

The Law of Hotel Life

by Robert Vashon Rogers

The author knows as well as did old Burton that "books are so plentiful that they serve to put under pies, to lap spice in, and keep roast meat from burning," yet he ventures to offer another volume to the public, trusting that some men’s fancies will incline towards and approve of it; for "writings are so many dishes, readers guests, books like be..

A Cigarette Clew

A Cigarette Clew

by Nicholas Carter

When Gillman entered the dive it was half filled with{58} a roaring complement of sailormen, every one in the lot considerably more than “half seas over.”The air was thick with tobacco smoke, heavy with the fumes of cheap beer, and resounding with sea songs—every song pitched in a different key and sung in a different language. Nick Carter had esta..

Fabre's Book of Insects

Fabre's Book of Insects

by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell

We all have our own talents, our special gifts. Sometimes these gifts seem to come to us from our forefathers, but more often it is difficult to trace their origin. A goatherd, perhaps, amuses himself by counting little pebbles and doing sums with them. He becomes an astoundingly quick reckoner, and in the end is a professor of mathematics. Another..

Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber

Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber

by T. O'Conor Sloane

The present work hardly needs a preface. The object is to present in the simplest form the subject of the manipulation of india rubber. To mould and cure the mixed gum but few appliances are needed, and these can be made at home. For some reason the methods of moulding the material are not generally known. Experiment has taught many the futili..

The Beginnings of America, 1607-1763

The Beginnings of America, 1607-1763

by Richard B. Morris

The seventeenth century in America was the seedtime of colonization. For 115 years after Columbus discovered America, explorers sailed the western waters, and the nations of Europe staked out vast empires. England launched several successful attempts to plant colonies in what is now the United States. In the years following the landing at Jamestown..

Wanderings in Three Continents

Wanderings in Three Continents

by Richard F. Burton

The essays that follow were all prepared by Burton himself, and most of them were read by him in the form of lectures before sundry geographical and scientific societies at different times. For instance, the description of his expeditions to El Medinah, Meccah, Harar, and Dahomé were delivered by him as a course of four lectures before the Emperor ..

Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained

Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained

by Alfred Powell Morgan

Wireless telegraphy, that marvelous art which has made possible the instantaneous transmission of intelligence between widely distant parts having no apparent physical connection save that of the earth, air, and water, is one of those wonders of science which appeal to the average mind as either incomprehensible or only explainable through the use ..

An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life

An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life

by Henry Curtis

The capacity and aptitude for motion, observable in man, naturally lead us to an enquiry into the general principle of his corporeal functions. To a disquisition of which I devote the following pages. Aware of the intricacy of my subject, and that the operations of the animal body necessarily embrace agents not within the range of our senses, I can..