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Brief Guide -  National Gallery of Art

Brief Guide - National Gallery of Art

by Anonymous

The National Gallery of Art belongs to all the people of the United States of America. Established by a joint resolution of Congress, it is supported by public appropriation. The Board of Trustees consists of four public servants, ex officio, and five private citizens. Chairman of the Board is the Chief Justice of the United States. Under the polic..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art  -  Fifth Series, No. 52, Vol. I

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art - Fifth Series, No. 52, Vol. I

by Chambers' Journal

Those who profess to know all about slavery will tell you that the negro was a thousand times happier as a slave than he is as a freeman. This may be true of some of the race; we do not enter into the question. The field-hand was in general an entirely irresponsible creature. He belonged to his master as thoroughly as the dogs and horses did, and h..

Gunnison's Bonanza

Gunnison's Bonanza

by Dick Purcell

Gunnison had certainly done his part. He was shrewd, daring, ruthless, if the need arose. He was clever and tireless, ever seeking out coups and strikes. But his coups never quite came off. And someone always beat him to the strikes. Once on Pluto he arrived at a diamond field well in advance of the pack but the Johnny-come-latelies walked away wit..

Nick Carter Stories No. 136

Nick Carter Stories No. 136

by Nicholas Carter

Information had reached Nick that some of the guests at the mask ball at the big hotel might be the men he was after. The hint had come to him anonymously, and he did not like it. Ordinarily he would have hesitated about giving such a message serious attention. He had the contempt of all decent people for unsigned communications of this kind.But he..

The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck

The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

The story of Perkin Warbeck was first suggested to me as a subject for historical detail. On studying it, I became aware of the romance which his story contains, while, at the same time, I felt that it would be impossible for any narration, that should be confined to the incorporation of facts related by our old Chroniclers, to do it justice.It is ..

The Heir

The Heir

by Sydney C. Grier

The author had chosen as his theme the final day in the long struggle of the Cross against the Crescent, when the Moslem tide overflowed at last the grand bulwark of Christendom, and the Emperor John Theophanis fell fighting as a common soldier in the breach. The recital was placed in the mouth of the Emperor, and the description of the night’s vig..

The Young Supercargo -  A Story of the Merchant Marine

The Young Supercargo - A Story of the Merchant Marine

by William Drysdale

A big black steamship lay beside the wharf in front of Martin’s Stores, in Brooklyn. The cold November night was so dark that from the brick warehouse, a hundred feet away, hardly anything could be seen of her but the lantern that swung in her rigging, a faint light that shone through her cabin portholes, and occasionally one of her tall top-masts ..

Traitor's Choice

Traitor's Choice

by Paul W. Fairman

The Centaurians were as eager to set these secrets as—well, as had been the Russians during the first phase of the atomic era when the world was divided into two frightened and belligerent camps. Strange, Kendall thought, that he should think of that period. The world had long since become one frightened and belligerent camp but the problem of surv..