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Ralph on the Midnight Flyer

Ralph on the Midnight Flyer

by Allen Chapman

Ralph hesitated, not knowing what to say to Cherry Hopkins. He had never been more than casually acquainted with the supervisor’s daughter; but he did admire her. Ralph could not have failed to attract the young girl’s attention during the three months she had spent in Rockton. In the first place, almost everybody in the small but thriving city kne..

The Child and the Dream -  A Christmas Story

The Child and the Dream - A Christmas Story

by Marion Cook Stow

This, little Dear-My-Love, is the story of a Child whom I am sure you would have loved. For people did love her very much, she was so quaint and dear. She was a remarkably bright Child and the beauty of her being bright was that she did not know it. She did bright things and said bright things and it never entered her mind to marvel at her own clev..

The Radio Gunner

The Radio Gunner

by Alexander Forbes

Early in the twentieth century the annual Memorial Day parade was passing through a New England town. The sun shone hotly down till the tarvia of the road felt soft and sticky underfoot. At the head of the procession the usual brass band led the way with martial music. Every one in the town was out, the older citizens for the most part standing rev..

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

by Hilaire Belloc

This work needs no apology. Its value to the English-speaking world is two-fold. It preserves for all time, in the form of a printed book, what might have been scattered in the sheets of ephemeral publications. It is so designed that these isolated monuments of prose and verse can be studied, absorbed, and, if necessary, copied by the young aspiran..

Treatment of Cholera in the Royal Hospital, Haslar

Treatment of Cholera in the Royal Hospital, Haslar

by John Wilson

On admission the patient was immediately placed in a hot bath, from 104° to 112° of Fahrenheit, in relation to the reduction of circulatory power, and of superficial heat; diligent friction of the abdomen and extremities, according to the place and violence of the spasms, being at the same time practiced.  The measure seldom failed, except in ..

Ten Kittens

Ten Kittens

by G. A. Puckett

The stories of the ten kittens told in this book are true to life. They have been gathered from here and there over the country. All the kittens have lived and played their little parts in the life history as told in each chapter. The story of Mack begins in a Rescue League in Albany, New York, where he was born. The story was very interesting..

The High Place: A Comedy of Disenchantment

The High Place: A Comedy of Disenchantment

by James Branch Cabell

PROBABLY Florian would never have gone into the Forest of Acaire had he not been told, over and over again, to keep out of it. Obedience to those divinely set in authority was in 1698 still modish: none the less, such orders, so insistently repeated to any normal boy of ten, even to a boy not born of the restless house of Puysange, must make the ve..

The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9)

The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9)

by Margaret C. Anderson

The young artist is a woman, and at evening she comes to talk to me in my room. She is my sister, but long ago she has forgotten that and I have forgotten. Neither my sister nor I live in our father’s house, and among all my brothers and sisters I am conscious only of her. The others have positions in the city and in the evening go home to the hous..