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The Klan Unmasked

The Klan Unmasked

by W. J. Simmons

Various representatives of the press, as well as many of my colleagues in the organization of which I have the honor to be the Founder and head, have repeatedly asked me to make a public statement, descriptive of our organization. It was anticipated in certain quarters that we should at once make specific reply to the embittered attacks upon the Kl..

An Account of Two Voyages to New-England

An Account of Two Voyages to New-England

by John Josselyn

The first of the “Two Voyages” of Josselyn, of which he gives an account in the present work, was undertaken in the year 1638, only eight years after the settlement of Boston, and when, to use his own words, “it was rather a village than a town, there being not above twenty or thirty houses;” while the second visit of the author to New England took..

Fairy tales from far and near

Fairy tales from far and near

by Katharine Pyle

The eagles loved the child dearly and named her Surya Bai, which means Sun Lady. They brought her food and beautiful clothes,—clothes such as princesses wear, and magnificent jewels. Each day, after they had set forth, Surya Bai locked the doors so she would be safe. Then she played about the house with the little dog and cat and was well contented..

Keeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork

Keeping Down the Cost of Your Woodwork

by Anonymous

Not so many years ago, home-builders of good taste who wished to have in their homes a background of beautiful woodwork with architectural value found it almost impossible to obtain such woodwork except by special order, at necessarily great cost. The Curtis Companies have done much to change this—to make this one thing that is “fair in life,” “fai..

The Boy Scouts' Victory

The Boy Scouts' Victory

by George Durston

Nickell-Wheelerson never did come back. But that is another story. There were a lot of poor marks made that afternoon. With the two most popular fellows in the school going off, there couldn’t be much studying. Everybody tried to help, and everybody got in the way and had to be stepped over or pushed over. But time passed, and good-byes were said, ..

Hoppy Toad Tales

Hoppy Toad Tales

by William A. Hennessey

Hoppy Toad was a wee bit of a toad who had only recently seen the light of day. One day he strayed away from his home—a hole in the ground, at the roots of a tree. In doing so he disobeyed Ma Toad who told him to play close to his home. He hopped along through the woods, often stopping for a while to eat insects which happened across his path...

Lady Rum-Di-Doodle-Dum's Children

Lady Rum-Di-Doodle-Dum's Children

by S. B. Dinkelspiel

The Dictionary says that a Preface is something spoken before. Usually it gives the author an opportunity to talk about himself. Some authors talk very much, especially about themselves, in their Preface. Mr. George Bernard Shaw writes more Preface than Book, and Théophile Gautier simply uses the Book as an excuse for the Preface. But you do not ne..

The Ranger Boys and Their Reward

The Ranger Boys and Their Reward

by Claude A. LaBelle

The boys made a dive for the mail and soon each was busily engaged in perusing the letter or letters sent him. As they are reading their letters, let us get acquainted with the heroes of this coming volume. Those of our readers who have read the preceding four volumes in this series, “The Ranger Boys to the Rescue,” “The Ranger Boys Find the Hermit..