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The Woman of Knockaloe -  A Parable

The Woman of Knockaloe - A Parable

by Hall Caine

The Woman of Knockaloe is first of all a love story. In our opinion it is a charming and natural love story, beautiful in its purity, and irresistible in its human appeal; so simple in its incidents that it might be a nursery tale, so stark in its telling that it might be a Saga, so inevitable in the march of its scenes, from its almost breathless ..

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)

by Students of Yale

In propositions there is certainly great discrepancy; owing partly to the barrenness of language, and to the ambiguity of terms; also to the different impressions which different authors of the statement may possess, and which the same man may have at different times. The propositions may be too brief, or too ample; in many ways they are made to di..

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)

by Students of Yale

Great men are always simple—strikingly so; simple in their thoughts and feelings, and in the expression of them. Nor is this an unimportant characteristic. For to one who reflects how few artless men there are—how much there is that is factitious, in the character of almost every one whom he meets; most of all, in the character of those who ape thi..

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)

The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)

by Students of Yale

There is a tendency to regard the commotions of society, which have taken place of late years, as the results of modern diplomacy, or of notions concerning human rights, which have received birth and risen to their present vigor within the last fifty years. Hence, it is argued, there is a liability to reaction. The bright lights may go out, and des..

West African Folk-Tales

West African Folk-Tales

by W. H. Barker

In presenting to the public these stories based on the folk-lore of the Gold Coast peoples, it seems necessary to say something in general terms of the economic and social development of the colony in so far as that development is affecting the ‘lore’ of the folk.Not until the civilization and industrialism of Europe began to penetrate into the dis..

A fragment of the prison experiences

A fragment of the prison experiences

by Emma Goldman

There was a time—and that not so very long ago—when popular ignorance and superstition looked upon an insane person as one possessed of the devil or of some other evil spirit. They sought to drive the “evil one” out by beating and torturing the insane, and often even by drowning, hanging, and burning.We have fortunately passed that stage of stupid ..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886

by Chambers' Journal

About one o’clock in the morning, by a flickering fire of half-dead embers, young men of twenty-five are very apt to grow confidential. Now, it was one o’clock gone, by the marble timepiece on Edward Hawthorn’s big mantel-shelf in King’s Bench Walk, Temple; and Edward Hawthorn and Harry Noel were each of them just twenty-five; so it is no matter fo..

Ealing and Its Vicinity

Ealing and Its Vicinity

by D. F. E. Sykes

The purpose of this brochure is not an ambitious one. It does not aspire to rank in antiquarian or topographical interest with the work of Mr. Falkener; its modest claim is to tell briefly and in simple words such facts connected with the parish of Ealing and its neighbourhood as may be reasonably supposed to possess an interest for the ordinary re..